Chapter 10

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~The Next Day~3rd Person's POV~

you were woken up by a sound of a camera clicking and some whisper shouting. "What the Fuck Grey! Why wasn't you're phone on Silent?!?” One of them shouted. "Oh sorry I FORGOT to put my phone on si- Oh Shitttt! (Y/N)'s waking up!” The other one whisper shouted, panic in their voice.

You slowly opened you're eyes and saw Stacey And Grey white their phone out. You were so confused on why their phone was out. "Why are you're guys phone Out?” You asked them with an obvious confusion in both you're tone of voice and face.

you then realized that you're head was resting on Selever's shoulder while his head was on top of yours and his arms were wrapped around you're waist.

You blushed and tried to wiggle out of his grip but you were met with him groaning slightly and tightening his grip on you're waist. You freeze and look at the duo with pleasing eyes.

"A little help guys. Please.” You whisper pleaded so that Selever wont wake up. The both of them just smirked and snickered. "Nahhh. The both of us will just wait and see some tea.” Grey said still smirking.

"Yup. By the way, the pic we just took will go straight to Insta and Facebook. This'll definitely gain many likes.” Said Stacey mischievously. "Wait! No! Don't!” You whisper yelled.

"Too late.” Stacey said as she post it on Instagram. You then heard you're phone ping, Indicating that you have a notification. You took you're phone out (since Selever's arms were wrapped around you're waist. Indicating that your both arms were free from his grip.) And opened it.

The Instagram bubble(?) Popped on you're lock screen and said that 'StaceyTheSrupidHoe' (aka Stacey) just posted a new pic at her account. You pressed the bubble(?) And put in you're password.

After you put in you're password, Instagram was opened already and was on Stacey's Instagram account. The new picture that she posted was you and Selever on the couch sleeping while you're head was on Selever's shoulder and his head was on top of yours while his arms were wrapped around you.

You slightly blushed and turned your phone off.

Due to you being on your cycle, your mood swinged. meaning, that you didn't care at all and just shook Selever awake.

He bolts awake and looked around. You cleared your throat and he looks at you. You pointed toward your waist and he instantly pulled his arms away and blushes.

You slightly giggled and looked at him. "Sorry.” He said looking away, while blushing. "Uhh. Helloooo! Were hereeee and not Hagakure from My Hero Academia nor ghosts.” Grey said, making the both of you to look at the duo in front of you.

"Oh. Whoops, I forgot you guys were there.” You said smiling 'innocently'. "Bitch, We were Just talking like Ten seconds ago.” Grey said with slight anger in his voice. "I don't know. Were we?" You say, wanting to annoy Grey for waking you up.

"This bitc- *sigh* just get up and change your clothes. Were going to be late for our lectures.” Grey cutting himself off while pinching his nose bridge. "Eh. I'm Too lazy to go to any lectures today.” you reply, sticking your tongue out.

"Your loss. Not mine. Oh and by the way, breakfast is ready. Its at the dining table.” Grey said Informing you. "Aight Imma be there.” you said as you got up and went in your room.

Once you were Inside your room, you opened your cabinet and took your clothes and undergarments including a tampon and headed to the bathroom and took a shower.

After you were done showering, you put in your tampon in (I'm not gonna explain cuz you all already probably know already lol), put in your undergarments then your clothes and dried your hair and styled it. (You guys pick your outfits cuz I'm feeling lazy right now so 😗✌.)

After you were done, you went out of your bathroom and took your earphones and then headed to the dining room.

Once you were in the dining room, you sat Between Stacey and Selever. "Since you'll be skipping the entire lecture, where are you going or what will you be going to do.” Stacey asked.

"I'm either going to play videogames all day or go to the mall.” you answer. "Can I come too? I'm feeling kinda lazy today too.” "Sure.” You say giving him a small smile.

Stacey and Grey stoped eating for a second and looked at eachother then back at their food. "Ship.” Grey whispered to himself. “What was that Grey? I didn't hear you.” you asked him. “Its nothing important (Y/N)” Grey replied.

“That's suspicious.” You thought to yourself. “Eh. Whatever.” you thought and took a bite of your food.

~Time Skip~ After Eating~3rd Person's POV~

After the four of you ate, you washed the dishes. Grey and Stacey were nowhere  probably at their classrooms now and went in Selever's room.

You knocked on his door and he opened the door. “Yes?” He asked you. “Well I was Wondering if you wanna play super smash bros with me?” you asked/answered him. “Sure.” He replied.

He went out of his room and the two of you went in the living room. You opened the TV and plugged in your Nintendo Switch (Rich mf).

Once your Nintendo was plugged in, you looked for ‘Super Smash Bros’.

After you found it, you clicked on it and handed Selever one of the controllers.

The both of you were now picking your characters. You picked Link and changed their colour/theme to black/dark (The thing I do When I play Super Smash Bros)and Selever picked Princess Zelda. You guys then picked a random arena(?). The game started and the both of you started battling eachother.

“Kinda cliché that you picked Princess Zelda Cuz of link.” you say not looking away from the TV. “Eh. I just picked her because I'm better at using her.” Selever replied.

“Whatever floats your boat I gue- WHAT THE?! A LIGHTNING KICK THIS EARLY?!? AIGHT. IMMA BE SERIOUS AT PLAYING NOW!” You shouted as you do all sorts of attack and combos. “Muwahahaha, feel my wrath.” you say to him as you knocked him off the arena(?)/ Platform(?).

You ended up winning and Selever loosing. “Another one!” “Ok Princess.” He replies as the both of you played another round.

You didn't change the character that you were playing and Selever Changed his character to Pit. The game started and you picked a random arena(?) And started battling each other.

~Time Skip~3rd Person's POV~

The two of you ended up playing for three hours and you got nine wins and Selever only five. "At Least I beat you at Super Smash Bros." You said smiling. "Ok I guess?” Selever said smiling at his defeat.

 "Ok I guess?” Selever said smiling at his defeat

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1162 Words.

Sorry about this but I know that I promised that Louis's ass would be kicked today but I'm kinda busy rn so yeeaahh.

My mom got into a accident so I got to Take good care of her. So yeahh.

This book will be in hold for three of four weeks so. I want to apologize.


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