Chapter 1

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'Dean, you gave me what I needed most, I want to do the same for you.' Amara's word ran through deans head at a million miles per hour. ' what did she mean?' Dean thought opening the bunker door. He never thought he would do that again, open the bunker door. He believed he was going to die from exploding. But instead he got some weird-god-doctor. Phil-family-bonding. It felt a little bit ridiculous, but he was alive, so that's good.

He silently walked through the library, searching for someone, anyone.

"Dean?" A voice came from behind him. Dean never thought he would hear it again, and it filled him with adrenaline when he did. As soon as he turned around he was enveloped into the bone crushing hug. The person pulled back finally revealing who it was.

It was Castiel.

"Dean, your alive?!" Cas said confused, happy, and a bit to loud for deans ears. "Yeah I guess" dean smiled  
"What happened with the bomb and amara?" Cas asked still holding deans shoulder strongly. "It's a long story," Dean face faded into worry. "Wait Cas where is Sam?" Dean said frantically. "He-he's in his room." Cas said.

In a matter of millisecond dean was out of the library sprinting to Sams room. So many thought were flying through his head. But the only thing that seem to stick out was SAM.

He arrived at the door, breathing heavy. He knocked lightly. He heard an broken sigh through the door. "Cas, not right now please..." Dean smiled sadly and began to open the door. "Cas, I said n-." Sam froze looking at his brother. "Dean....dean!"

Sam jumped out of bed and into deans chest. Dean just barely caught the moose. He laughed "hey Sammy." Sam cried into dean chest for a moment, only to start bombarding dean with questions and angry statements like, how are you alive?, your such a douche bag, what happened to amara and chuck? And finally " I'm so happy your okay!"

" I'm so sorry sammy." Is all dean could get out. " I promise I will explain later. It's actually kind of funny." Dean laughed a bit.

Sam looked up at his older brother and pulled away. He stared at him for a moment, then punched Dean in the shoulder. "That's for scaring me. jerk"

"Bitch...ow" dean rubbed his shoulder. "Come on let's get some food I will explain everything." Sam and Dean made their way to the kitchen, where Cas sat waiting with beers and pie. "You know me so well" dean said to Cas.

Dear chuck, did they get drunk that night. Team free will back together, no apocalypses to stop (for now). They were together enjoying themselves and each other's presence. After about an hour of conversation, Cas asked. " so what did happen with chuck and amara?" Dean laughed. " I do t think your going to believe me"

"So as you know, I was the bomb. I walked into this garden place, and she was there," dean took a swig of beer. "Then god, or chuck showed up and they talked , full on doctor Phil. Chuck took the souls out of me... and then they just left." Cas and Sam listen intensely to dean, just as confused as dean. "Really... that's it." Sam said. Dean nodded. "Well your alive and safe so, cheers to that" Cas lifted his beer.

They were all so happy at that moment and wanted it to last as long as they could. They no longer had the weight of the world on their shoulders, literally. All was well, but little did they know their smiles and laughter would be interrupted by 3 loud bangs on the bunker door.

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