𝗚𝗶𝗺𝗺𝗲 𝗺𝗼 𝟰'☀︎︎

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𝗧𝘆𝗿𝗲𝗸'𝘀 𝗣𝗢𝗩
I woke up with my phone just dinging with notifications when I saw the time it was only 11:23 PM ... bruh I aint barely went to sleep for 30 minutes - I grabbed my phone and saw Chris texted me

Yoooo, who tf is Jason tyrek?!

I read the messages and rolled my eyes

Christopher, it was a simple mistake bruh. I was just tired and Jason is just a guy I had met at the mall the other day now chill. We aint even together for starters.

He quickly was typing back and I took a deep breath and exhaled knowing he was prolly going to pop up at my job.

Ykw Tyrek you right we aint together ion know why im trippin. Bc if u was ma bitch i would be pullin up ta yo place rn beatin yo guts in.

I stared at my phone for atleast a minute or 2 and exhaled a breath i didnt even know was there

I- you always astonish me with your answers sometimes - bc you wouldn't lay one finger on me.

Yeah igh, buh ma i gtg doin sumn rn.

I was quite curious about what would someone be doing near 12 AM but I put my phone back on the charger and went back to sleep for the rest of the night.

❤︎𝗧𝗶𝗺𝗲 𝘀𝗸𝗶𝗽 𝟵 𝗵𝗼𝘂𝗿𝘀❤︎

I woke up with a sore back and layed there shifting feeling Phy's presence still in the bed and I got up and put on my lowes uniform and got my phone since I washed last night (mane ion feel like typing barely sooo bare wit me rn!)

The whole apartment was still quiet so Im guessing grams was sleeping in along with Phy... I walked out the apartment and down the stairs and started walking to my job in the middle of the neck some car pulls up besides me slowly rolling next to me but I didnt think anything of me and I hear a familiar voice say "Hey" I side eyed the person and saw it was Devon and ignored him and kept walking he kept driving next to me and said, "Get in. I promise i wont do anything igh."

I stopped in my tracks and thought about how nice would it feel to sit in a car my feet were still hurting and badly at that. He stopped the car and i walked in front of it and got in the passenger side and put my bag in between my legs and looked out the window not saying anything, "Good choice." Maybe 2 minutes had pasted and we were both stuck in traffic. Just fucking GREAT! he opened his mouth, "So um ... your daughter. How old is she?" I side eyed him and lowly said, "3." He nodded his head up and down slowly.

He tapped the steering wheel and hummed some type of song I've prolly never heard of. I was surprised to see he never said a rude comment to me and while traffic was slowly moving he said, "Um... soo wheres the mom? To yo daughter." I full on turned looking at him and looked down and laughed a bit, "I am her mother Devon." He kinda stop and hit the brakes hard asf making me yank forward than back even with a seatbelt on. "What do you mean YOUR her mother? Like adopted..?" I responded, "That question is not your business and no she isn't adopted she came outta me. But can we just go to work silently" he nodded his head and i could tell he was thinking hard and i closed my eyes maybe 10 minutes later he shook me saying we were at work.

I got out the car and grabbed my bag along with my phone and walked into the building clocking in slightly late and I saw Lisa eyeing me noticing that me and Devon kinda came in together. She started walking over and when she got closer I said , "Yes, we came in together he gave me a ride while I was walking." She nodded her head smirking and rubbing her grin like she was thinking of a scenario that would never happen EVER!, "Stop looking like that..." she said, "Looking like what??" I said, "Like your thinking of something that'll never happen and maybe nasty." She looked shocked at my last part and chuckled and walked away doing a moonwalk and turned almost falling.

I laughed almost having the whole store hear me. Yk this bitch ochos loud ash.

IM SOWWYY it took soo long! 😣😣😣 ive been so busy lately its brazyyyy

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