Chapter 6: He Remembered: Xenovia's Call

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Madoka POV
I woke up to a new day and getting new bandages since my old ones were getting filthy. When I had them removed, I got a look at myself.

My face will definitely have scars, but not heavily. I'll definitely have one on my right eyebrow though.

My body will most likely scar too but I can be sure about it yet, haven't seen any signs.

But on the bright side, my bones weren't broken anymore, thanks to my regeneration ability. But I still have a few healing fractures.

After getting bandaged up, I noticed how cheery the nurses and doctors were. I looked at the calendar and saw the date: February 14th.

Shit. It's Valentines Day. No wonder why everyone is so cheery here. But then I realized something.

Oh shit.

It's not just Valentines Day.

It's Xenovia's birthday.

Well I know who I'm gonna cal for tonight when the time comes.

I decided to call Sirzechs in the evening since he probably had plans with his wife.

Grayfia, such a strict but nice woman. I like her. Sirzechs sure has a keeper.

Sirzechs: Hello?

Madoka: Hey Zechs.

Sirzechs: Madoka hey! What are you doing? We normally do this later.

Madoka: I know but I thought you would have plans with Grayfia so I thought I'd call you early.

Sirzechs: Well, yeah I do have plans. But I appreciate you doing that. I'll let my wife know now.

Madoka: Awesome. Can you tell Grayfia I said hi?

Sirzechs: Of course. *off phone* Grayfia! Our plans are coming earlier! And Madoka says hi!

There was a brief silence.

Sirzechs: Grayfia says hi back.

Madoka: She is such a great woman.

Sirzechs: I know. So who do you want me to get for you tonight Madoka?

Madoka: Xenovia.

Sirzechs: Alright will do.

Sirzechs hung up as I laid in my bed, waiting for a call from Xenovia.

Xenovia POV
Great. Valentines Day. That's all everyone thinks about. But for me, it's not just that. It's also my birthday. I remember when we were all dating Issei, I suggested a birthday day for me on this day. But he blew it off saying 'Who does birthday dates on Valentines Day?'. It made me sad but I stupidly complied to it.

But the worst part about is that he isn't here.

Madoka wasn't with us.

After finding out his accident, I was destroyed.

I felt so much guilt, sadness, and shame.

I ridiculed, neglected, and ignored such an amazing person for a pervert.

I-I even wanted to have BABIES with him!

I never felt this stupid. Ever.

The girls and I were all sulking, and watching movies  together. We watch romance movies since it was Valentines Day. We just cried wishing we had what the characters had. Love. But instead, we got lust.

I was out of my thought when we heard a knock. Rias opened it and behind it was Sirzechs with his son, Millicas. He was probably going to tell which one of us has to do a phone conference.

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