06- The First Meeting

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It has been two weeks since Violet caught Alec kissing another girl and she hasn't talked to him at all

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It has been two weeks since Violet caught Alec kissing another girl and she hasn't talked to him at all. Violet does miss being friends with Alec. But she can't forgive him for what she did. Violet was working behind the counter at 'Toretto's cafe' when the bell signalling a customer had come in goes off. Violet put a strand of her dark brown hair behind her ear before turning to look at him. Her eyes widen when she sees the man in front of her. He was gorgeous. He had messy blonde hair and blue eyes. He smiled at her as she came out of her daze.
"Hey." Violet says walking over to him but staying behind the counter.
"Hey." He replies still smiling. "I'm Brian Spilner."
"Violet Toretto." Violet replies extending her hand.
"Whats your middle name mines Earl." Brian says shaking her hand.
"Mines Grace." Violet answers removing her hand from Brian's grip.
"Violet Grace Toretto. That's a pretty name for a pretty girl." Brian says making Violet looks down as her cheeks go red.
"Thanks." Violet says looking up again. "What can I get for you?"
"How is the tuna here." Brian asks.
"Its crappy." Violet says honestly.
"I'll take a tuna on white no crust." Brian says.
"Got it." Violet says before walking away to make the sandwich.

"Who's that hot guy?" Mia says when she gets to where Violet was making the sandwich.
"Don't let Vince hear you say that." Violet says laughing.
"I mean who is that hot guy for you?" Mia says.
"What's that meant to mean?" Violet asks back.
"I mean. He isn't hot to me but it looks like you think he is hot."Mia says teasingly.
"Who's hot to Violet?" Dom asks walking over to his two sisters.
"No one we will talk about it later. Now I have got to go serve a customer." Violet says picking up the plate with the sandwich on and walking over to Brian.
"That's who we were talking about." Mia tells Dom pointing to Brian.
"Nice to know." Dom says watching Brian. "I better go back to the office."
"Okay." Mia says before Dom walks back over to the office.

When Violet put the sandwich down she saw Brian was reading a magazine about cars.
"You into cars?" Violet asks.
"Yeah I love them. What about you?" Brian answers.
"I have grown up with cars all around me with my dad and both my brothers being addicted to them so I guess I like them." Violet replies.
"You have brothers?" Brian asks.
"Yeah two older brothers and a older sister." Violet replies.
"So your the youngest." Brian says.
"Yeah. What about you do you have any siblings?" Violet asks.
"No. I don't." Brian replies.
"I will let you eat in peace." Violet says before she goes to walk away but Brian stops her.
"No stay. I mean its nice talking to you." Brian says with a smile.
"Okay." Violet says smiling back.
She goes to say something but hears car engines and rolls her eyes. The car engines make both Violet and Brian look outside but Brian soon turns back to Violet and smiles before eating his sandwich as the team walk in.
"Hey guys." Violet says.
Jesse waves his hand lazily as he smiles at her. "Hey Violet."
"How you doing girl?" Letty asks walking behind the counter and ruffling Violet's hair.
Violet rolls her eyes while fixing her hair and saying "Good Letty."
Letty walks towards the office to talk to Dom while Leon and Jesse mess around in the back of the store. Vince goes over and kisses Mia. He then sees  how Brian is acting towards Violet and doesn't like it. Violet is like Vince's little sister. Mia knows this and knows what Vince is about to do. She also knows there is no point in arguing with him.
"I will be right back babe." Vince tells Mia kissing her forehead before walking over to the counter and sitting in the seat next to Brian and glaring at him.
"Vince." Violet says trying to get Vince's attention but it doesn't work. "Vince!" This time Vince turns to Violet. "Can I get you anything?"
"No thanks Vi." Vince replies smiling at her.

Brian's eyes narrowed at Vince more than he thought was possible and his fist clenched so hard his knuckles turned white. Brian took a deep breathe and un-clenched his fist while he stopped glaring at Vince and got up out of the seat and placed some money on the counter.
"Thanks a lot, Violet, I will see you tomorrow." Brian says.
"Sure. See ya." Violet replies as Brian walks towards the door.
This made Vince angry. He got up out his seat and followed Brian.
"No. Try fat burger from now on. You get yourself a double cheese burger with fries for $2.95 faggot." Vince calls after Brian.
Violet's body tensed knowing what was about to happen but Mia came over and put a arm around her shoulders which relaxed her.
"I like the tuna here." Brian called back.
"Bullshit. No one likes the tuna here." Vince says.
Brian scoffed before saying "Yeah well I do."
Violet's eyes widened as Vince violently shoves Brian into his car. Brian turned around and throw a right hook at Vince, Vince stumbled back before he lunged at Brian. Violet rolled her eyes as the two men fall to the floor and she walks to the back of the shop.
"Dom, would you get out there. I am sick of this shit." Violet asks her older brother. Violet rolls her eyes as he doesn't respond. "I am not kidding Dom, get out there. If you wont I will."
This makes Dom stand up immediately not wanting his little sister to go out there and get hurt.
"What did you put in that sandwich?" Dom asks jokingly which Letty laughs at and Violet rolls her eyes.
"Ha. Ha very funny." Violet replies.
Dom smirked before her jogged towards the two who were still fighting on the ground with the rest of the team besides Mia and Violet follow him. Once Dom had pulled the to men off eachother Violet and Mia decide to go out there.
"Hey man he was in my face." Brian says raising his hands in surrender while Violet and Mia make it over to the group.
"I'm in your face." Dom says walking closer to Brian as Violet stands next the Letty with Mia standing next to her.
"What kind of a comeback is that?" Violet whispers to the two girls making them both quietly laugh.
Vince goes to lunge at Brian again but Dom steps in front of him and pushes him back.
"Relax! Don't push it. You embarrass me!" Dom yells.
"Lets go inside." Mia says grabbing Vince's arm and dragging him towards the shop while Vince continues to glare at Brian.
"Jesse give me the wallet." Dom tells Jesse and Jess hands him Brian's wallet. "Brian Earl Spilner. Sounds like a serial killer name. Is that what you are?"
"No man." Brian confidently responds shaking his head.
"Don't come round here again." Dom tells Brian strictly before beginning to walk away.
Violet was shocked and upset. Why was her brother being so mean?
"Ay, man, this is bullshit." Brian says.
"That was a wrong move." Letty whispers to Violet but Violet ignores her while watching her brother walk back over to Brian.
"You work for Harry right?" Dom asks pointing to Brian's car which had 'Harry's garage written on the door.
"Yeah I just started." Brian replies.
Dom scoffs before saying "You were just fired."
With that Dom turns and walks away with the team following him besides Violet who walks over to Brian.
"Sorry about my brother." Violet says standing in front of Brian and fiddling with her hands "And Vince."
"You don't need to say sorry for him. You aren't responsible for his actions. He is." Brian tells her smiling at her.
"I guess." Violet says "You should still come tomorrow if you want I will handle my brother and Vince." Violet says smiling back.
"I don't want to ruin your relationship with your brother." Brian tells her.
"Its fine." Violet says before laughing. "Besides who else is going to eat the tuna. No one else likes it."
Brian laughs before saying "Okay, I will think about it."
"Okay." Violet says smiling. She goes to speak again but is cut off.
"Violet!" Dom shouts "Come on!"
"Coming." Violet calls back. "See you tomorrow hopefully."
Yeah." Brian says smiling before Violet walks away.
When Violet gets to the doorway she takes one last look at Brian before walking inside.

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