32: We Need A Team

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Dom picks them up some beer and food before finding them a place to stay for the night

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Dom picks them up some beer and food before finding them a place to stay for the night. Violet was asleep on the only chair in the room while. Brian, Dom and Mia were out on the balcony. Brian was in the doorway watching Violet sleeping. He couldn't get over the fact that she was pregnant with his kid. It's all his ever wanted since the day he met her. He loved her with all his heart.
"Hey, Dom, what do you remember about your farther?" Brian asks as he sits in a chair out on the balcony.
Mia and Dom share a smile before Mia goes inside the get a beer for each of them and Dom turn to Brian.
"My farther." Dom says as he leans against the table on the balcony. "He used to... He used to have a barbecue every Sunday after church. For anybody in the neighbourhood. If you didn't go to church, you didn't get any barbecue. Every single day he was in the shop, and every night, he was at the kitchen table with Mia and Violet helping them with their homework. Even tho Violet didn't have much homework. Even after they had went to sleep he would stay up a few more hours reading the next chapter of the book they were studying so he could learn it and help them they next day. I remember everything about my father. Everything."
"That's just it." Brian says as Mia walks back into the balcony. "I don't remember shit about my dad. I don't remember him yelling. I don't remember him smiling. And to be honest with you, I don't even remember what he looked like. He just... he was just never around."
"You ain't going to be like that Brian." Dom tells him before he walks over to the window and looks at Violet sleeping before Mia joins him in the window and Brian goes over and stands in the doorway agin. He watches Violet sleeping soundly knowing that they can't continue to live the life they are living.
"We cant keep running, Dom." Brian says looking over to Dom. "We got to get out. We got to get out now."
"You're right. Here's how we are going to do it." Dom says as he holds up the chip. "We're going to use this. We're going to do one last job. We're going to take all of Reyes money. Every dime of it, and disappear forever." Dom sits the chip down in front of Brian.
"New passports. New lives with no more looking over our shoulder. And we're just going to buy out freedom." Brian says in agreement.
"That's right." Dom agrees.
"You realize you guys are talking about going up against the most powerful guy in all of Rio." Mia says.
"Yes, we are." Dom answers.
"Then we're going to need a team." Brian says with a smile.

The next morning Violet, Brian, Dom and Mia stand on a balcony that over looks the city.
"Let's run through the bases real quick. Who we got?" Brian asks as he wraps an arm around Violet's waist.
"First we're going to need a chameleon. Someone who can blend in anywhere." Dom answers, already having someone in mind.
"What else?" Violet asks leaning her head on Brian's shoulder.
"A fast talker. Someone who can bullshit their way out of anything." Dom answers causing Brian to smile.
"I got that." Brian says.
"This guy is going to to have a lot of surveillance. We're going to need someone who's good with circuits." Mia explains causing Brian to smile again.
"And with those circuits, Reyes is going to have walls." Violet adds "We're going to need guys to punch through those walls."
"What else?" Brian asks.
"Utilities and weapons. Someone who ain't afraid to throw down. Someone to back up every position." Dom answers causing Violet to smile.
"I know just the person." Violet says. "What else do we need?"
"Most importantly, we're going to need two precision drivers. Guys who don't crack under pressure. Guys that never lose." Dom answers causing Brian to smile.
"You know we got that." Brian says causing everyone to laugh.
They go and make the phone calls they need to before they go to the new hideout they are using as the old one was found.

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