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I groaned reaching out to grab my phone. It was barely two am but I could take a strong guess at who it was before checking it. The screen was bright and it flashed with the fuckers cheesy grin on a beach.
"What Gavin?" I asked pissed he'd woken me up
"Wow. I thought it was impossible for you to get anymore British. I was wrong."
"Just get to the point. It's like two in the morning here" he chuckled on the other end of the phone
"Remember Dom?"
"Uh yeah. He was nice. You talking about yungblud Dom?"
"Yeah. He's looking for a support act on tour. Likes your stuff and wants you to tag along."
"What? You're breaking my first big tour news to me at 2am?"
"Well yeah. Kinda" I sat up properly trying to process it. I was excited but also still half asleep
"Why did you call me now?"
"Lucy I'm in LA. If I don't call you now by the time you can answer you'll be at work." Fuck. Work
"Gav you gotta promise this deals gonna pull through. I've had three now and this better not be the fourth one to collapse on me. Slowly losing my mind at the café."
"I promise Luce. He seems to really want this. He's all about giving people a chance. And he believes in you."
"Don't pull all that crap Gavin. I've met him a total of three times. He's never even heard me sing."
"Just give him a try okay? This could really work out for you"
"Okay. When am I needed to fly out?" The idea was starting to become a reality and I couldn't help but get excited
"Yeah...about that. Dom kinda decided last minute so your flight is in like six hours" I shot up fully and gasped "Him and the boys are gonna meet you there"
"What? I can't just drop everything."
"But please Lucy. This is your big break. You could do so well. I believe in you." He wasn't that much older than me, but he always took me under his wing since I was so young when I got into music. His praise always made me feel kind of loved though I'd rather be caught dead than ever telling him that. Deep down I knew he noticed and he also knew how to play me, like right now
"Gav don't play that card. I have a life here. I like people not recognising me."
"But this is your fucking dream. A tour. Around the US."
"This better pay off gottlitch or I'm gonna fucking kill you."
"It will pay off I promise."
"Alright. I'll call Dom when I'm at the airport."
"Thank you" he said and I knew he had a cheesy grin on the other end of the call, despite not being able to see him
"Yeah yeah. Whatever gav. Better fucking pay off" I ended the call and set the phone down before landing face first into my pillow and groaning. It was gonna be a fucking trip and a half. But I had a feeling something would make it worth it. Even if it wasn't the music.

"Hey Lucy" the bouncy British voice spoke on the other end "This is Lucy right. I haven't saved your number under the wrong name."
"Yeah Dom it's me. Are you at the airport. I'm here waiting now."
"I can see you." I looked up to see him and two of his friends, one of which I hadn't seen before the other Adam. I ended the call and stood up to hug him. It was his thing and I had to admit the affection was comforting "I can't wait to perform with you." I pulled away and looked up at his other friend, kinda tall with long hair tied up in a bun. I always said j categorically hated man buns. But I kinda liked it on him. He looked cute "This is Tom by the way. You're gonna be sitting next to him on the way there. And you already know Adam"
"Alright kid" Adam said making me smile at him. I'd actually got on quite well last time we met. And he always made sure I was okay the times of be stressed when he was with Dom. He was a sweet guy at heart and his girlfriend was lovely too. He picked up on my confusion "He's a photographer. And our best mate. Don't worry he'll look after you." I nodded
"Right, does anyone want food?" Dom spoke up to break the awkward silence
"I'm fucking starving. I thought I'd wait for you guys to get here."
"Well I fancy a McDonald's."
"I second that" Adam spoke up looking to me
"Can I go get a Costa and meet you guys back here?" Dom nodded and looked to Tom
"Uh. I'll go with her. I don't really want a McDonald's and a coffee is screaming my name right now"
"Alright mate. We can meet back here in half an hour?"
"Make it an hour and it's a deal" Dom nodded and fist bumped his friend before taking Adam and walking off. Tom turned to me and put his hand out "Cmon pretty girl" it took everything in me not to swoon for him there and then. But I wasn't that easy. And as cute as he was I couldn't fall for him. It hadn't exactly gone in my favour in the past. And I wasn't gonna fall for it again.
"I'm not your fucking pretty girl. And I can walk myself." I said walking off Infront and so thankful for the sign since I had no clue where I was actually going
"Tough one I see" he remarked loud enough for me to hear and smirk slightly. I dropped it when he caught up with me though and instead exchanged it for a straight face "Sorry if I made ya feel weird." He spoke up after a while of awkward silence. I knew then he was actually really sweet. Or really manipulative. But I choose to believe in the former
"It's alright. Let's get to know each other. Have a coffee"
"Sounds like a plan"

"So you work in a cafe at minimum wage when you are signed to a record label in LA?"
"Sucks don't it. But I've kinda just been floating about since I dropped my music and no one really knows who I am"
"Well Gav let us listen and it sounds good. Maybe this is your big break."
"Maybe. Anyways what got you into photography?"
"Dunno. Just always liked it and kind of stumbled into the job when I was talking to someone one day. I love it though. And Dom's my best mate."
"Heard I'm gonna meet your drummer?" I said finding it a little stressful that I had to meet yet more new people
"Uh no. He pulled out last minute. His wife is sick. So I guess you just have to bunk with us." I did a sigh of relief
"That's fine by me." I smiled warmly before taking a sip of my hot drink
"I saw that smile. I'm growing on you aren't I?" He joked. I rolled my eyes at him and stood up
"Cmon smart arse. Let's go back to the boys."
"Just admit it. You want to hate me but can't."
"Let's go. Or they're gonna come looking"

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