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"what are you doing?" I mumbled, feeling Dom pick me up and start moving
"Putting you to bed. You need sleep kid. We've got shit to do tomorrow" I wrapped my arms around the back of his neck to hold me up
"I don't want to go to bed. I'm awake." He bent down and put me into his bunk. He must have already pulled the curtain back so there was room
"Goodnight Lucy. We can watch the rest tomorrow alright?"
"Yeah" I mumbled, snuggling into the fluffy blanket on the bunk "By the way I'm stealing this."
"Your welcome to it love. Just go to sleep alright?"
"Night" I whispered drifting off. It didn't take long for me to fall asleep but I heard a faint
"Goodnight." before I drifted off.

"But I'm fucked Dom. Can't I just leave this show?" I had tried my best to pretend I was asleep in hopes Dom would leave me. Instead of doing that, though, I was listening to dom trying to wake up a very hungover Tom
"Mate you have a job to do. Don't you want to see your girlfriend perform? She loves when you're around you know that"
"That's borderline manipulation Dom." Tom groaned making me giggle and give away the fact I was awake. Next thing I knew dom pulled the curtain back and smiled
"Hey sunshine. Why don't you try and wake him up"
"Wait." He had already begun walking off as I scrambled out of the bunk "Fuck you" I shouted at Dom causing him to laugh but causing Tom to cover his ears and whine "You gotta get up baby"
"Will you get me some painkillers?"
"Only if you get out of bed first. Because I know you're gonna go back to sleep."
"I don't want to."
"We could cuddle for a bit while they work. Then I've got to go to the shops."
"I'll come with you"
"Nope. It's a surprise for you. So you can't come. Besides you don't look in any fit state to come anyway. I'll meet you in the lounge."
He did turn up although I fully expected to have to go back and get him. He groaned before sitting down next to me and resting his head on my shoulder
"Do you have to leave me?"
"Yeah. But you'll like your gift. I promise. I got you these" I handed him the painkillers "And this" I handed him the cold bottle of water "take those and we can cuddle until you feel a little bit better alright?" He nodded and laid down across the sofa with his head in my lap. Dom had left the bus and decided to 'get to know the area' we were in for a bit. He also made Adam leave so I figured it was just so me and Tom could be alone
"I remember what I said last night. Apparently drinking makes me feel kinda....Yknow."
"You asked me to call you daddy. And if I wanted to be whipped."
"Well I'm not really into whipping."
"So what I'm hearing is you have a daddy kink." He pushed his finger to my lips
"Shh. Can't tell no one." He said before giggling "I wouldn't worry about what I said though. Like I said, I won't ever make you. And you can always say you're uncomfortable."
"It was the wrong time. You were so drunk."
"So what I'm hearing is-"
"Shut up tom. We're not talking about this now"
"Okay princess" he closed his eyes and sighed "I love you."
"Don't go to sleep there. I have somewhere to be."
"I'm not."
"Better not be." He smiled and I took the opportunity to gently stroke my thumb across his cheek "Dom put me to bed last night. He was really sweet and we watched a film after we talked. I trust him a lot."
"That's good baby. Means you can go to him when you need help too. And Adam if you're desperate. But he's kinda being a dick right now with all the drama." I giggled
"He's alright though. Now please tell me when you start to feel better so I can go buy your surprise. Okay?"
"M'kay princess. I will"

"You took a while. Did you get what you wanted?" I nodded and Dom smirked at me "Good on ya. Are you staying in a hotel tonight then?"
"Yeah. Is that alright?"
"Perfectly fine. You got your own dressing room by the way, although it's really out of the way" he led me down a hallway, pointing out his own dressing room before taking me a lot further along to mine "Lover boys already in there. You got a couple hours." He playfully punched my arm and winked "I'll see you later yeah?" I nodded
"See you" he smiled and walked off along the trek to his room. I walked in and saw Tom sat down on a small sofa and my eyes widened at the lit up Hollywood style mirror on the wall
"There you are. Did you get my surprise?"
"Yeah." I said standing in front of he mirror and looking at myself in it. I felt proud of where I'd ended up right in the moment. Tom soon appeared behind me and wrapped his arms around my middle, brushing the hair off my right shoulder so he could rest his chin on it "I love you." I said softly, he chuckled and kissed my neck. He only did it once to get a reaction and judge whether or not he could continue "Do it again."
"But what if they see the marks?"
"So just don't mark me up."
"Don't talk like that. Sounds like I'm trying to mark you my own" He said, whining a little as if it had genuinely bothered him
"You enjoy it though" I said smirking "Don't lie and say you didn't enjoy watching me react like that last time."
"We got time right?" He Asked, his lips close to my ear making me shiver as he gently moved his hand down to the bottom of my stomach "Mind if I kiss you just one more time?" I shook my head and let him kiss my neck but he was being so soft as if he was scared. I slowly pushed his hand further down with my own over his "No Lucy. I'm not touching you here"
"No. Just feel. Just a bit." He let me guide his hand until his fingers hit the lace and then I held his hand firmly in place to prevent him going any further
"You didn't" he said moving his hand back up and holding my middle again
"I did" I said back playfully. I giggled and despite what we were talking about it felt strangely calm and not sexual at all. Maybe I was reading far too much into the simple underwear set
"You fucking did" he remarked, pulling his arms away and spinning me round so we could be face to face "You fucking did" he repeated, this time a soft whisper "Did you get those today?" I nodded grinning way too innocently as I sat up on the counter behind me "You're too cute." He remarked kissing my nose
"I got a hotel for us."
"You did?" He said smirking playfully before kissing my forehead "Why is that hmm?"
"You know why"
"I do yeah but-" he was interrupted by loud banging at the door of the dressing room before Dom burst in unannounced "Dom what the fuck? We're busy mate."
"I need to talk to Lucy" he said, sounding pissed but he tried his hardest to remain calm
"Yeah well you can talk to her while I'm here" he took a step away and instead sat beside me on the counter
"I can't. It's private." He spat moving closer to me and making me feel a little intimidated
"Just say it Dom. He's gonna hear about it later"
"Fine" he said through gritted teeth "How about you stop saying shit to my girlfriend yeah?" He spat before walking out and slamming the door so hard it bounced back off its hinges.

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