twenty nine

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"Don't worry you're gonna do fine." I stopped pacing and turned to him, sitting against the wall since the boys had left no room for him anywhere. He liked it there anyway if I'm being honest
"But gav ain't here Tommy and I want him to see me." I protested, though the clock was ticking down and I knew I had no hope getting anywhere in the argument. He wasn't going to be there and that was that.
"But you've got us. Right guys?"
"Yeah." Everyone chorused back, making me smile a little despite still being nervous
"See. Everyone's cheering you on from here."
"Can I have a cuddle before I go on?"
"Wanna go back to your dressing room sweetheart?" I shook my head
"I like it in here. Feels homely." He smiled softly and gestured for me to come sit with him "Did gavin say he wasn't going to make it?"
"We've been through this. He's got work. Just go and have a cuddle with Tom and spend the last hour with us yeah?" Dom said, making me nod without a word. He knew that meant I wasn't ready to have a conversation about it so he didn't push anymore. I sat down between Tom's legs, my back to his chest as he rested his chin on my shoulder
"Sweet girl." He praised softly "I'm so proud of you yknow. We all are."
"I know." I said, sniffling slightly
"But you wanna hear it from him don't ya?" I nodded
"No. Don't be sorry. He let you down. But I'm sure he's proud of you wherever he is." I nodded again but this time said nothing, he'd said everything he could and the more I thought about it the more I realised he was right. Wherever he was and whatever he was doing he was proud of me "We can just chill okay. And you'll go out there and smash it."
"Yeah. I suppose."
"That's it baby girl. It'll all work out in the end. Promise."

Tom's POV
I was gonna kill gavin for making me lie to her. She looked so sad the whole time before the show and even worse when she was at the side of the stage. As much as I knew it was gonna be worth the priceless look on her face I still hated every second of it. No one else knew and they were all under the impression he had in fact let her down. I knew otherwise and chose to keep it that way; only me. I kissed her good luck and watched as she plastered a look on her face that made it all seem so perfect, like she hadn't been crying her eyes out in my arms when we were in the hallway. Like she was genuinely excited to be there even though he wasn't. Then she came to her last song. She ended her set on an acoustic one, a sad song at that about her dad, but she'd never explicitly tell anyone it was. A lot of her songs were deep and meaningful, it's what I loved about her as an artist, she thought about every word. That's what made her and dom bond so much and they would happily bounce off each other in writing sessions which would be hours long. I was behind her and caught sight of him first, his proud smile being hidden in the shadows of the balcony whilst the stage lights list up the crowd below. She was focused on them and wanted to give her all. But as she reached the end she looked up like she always did, thanking her dad in heaven. And then on her way back down she caught a glimpse of him

Lucy's POV
In that moment the whole crowd wasn't there. Just him and me and that proud look on his face and the big smile on mine and the love between the pair of us. Not the love me and Tom had. A different love, one that could only be described as that of a family. I knew my time to walk off stage would be over but just as the crowd died down he mouthed something to me
"I'm proud of you" I bit my lip trying not to break down then and there
"Thank you everyone!" I shouted down the mic, getting the crowd riled up for the final time "Enjoy the show!" I walked off stage as they continued cheering, dodging everyone and only stopping to ditch my guitar at the side of the stage. I knew my way up to the balcony and only a few people were up there, all people I didn't know. I did know gavin however and I pushed through the door and walked straight up to him. He didn't have a chance to argue or even speak before I hugged him tight. And then I just sobbed.
"It's okay." He soothed "Watched it all, my little superstar."
"Are you proud of me?" I whimpered, making him chuckle
"Course I am. So proud." He reassured "More than proud of you. You really took advantage of this tour. You're gonna do so well." He kissed the top of my head "I can't believe you actually did it. You're do amazing. I'm so happy for you." He was talking softer now, speaking directly into my ear to calm me down. I didn't wanna let go, not yet anyway, but he didn't make me. It seemed as thought he enjoyed holding me there if I'm being honest. He started softly stroking my hair and I didn't flinch when the crowd started up again for dom, cheering for him to come out onto the stage "Cmon, you wanna watch his set?"
"When are you leaving?" He held me tighter to him for a moment before relaxing and holding me just as before
"I'm here with you for the next two days. If works asks its an important business thing. Its not, its so I can spend time with you." I started crying again softly into his shoulder "You alright?"
"I love you." I sobbed, making him let out a small chuckle again
"Come on, let's go back to the dressing room and you can hang out in there. We can talk for a bit."
"No talk" I said, feeling slightly embarrassed that it had come out in such a childlike way "Sorry I-"
"Shh it's okay." He said softly "Come on. We can stay backstage."
"No. I wanna see doms last set."
"Okay." He held me tighter again "you good?"
"Yeah. Yeah I'm good." I let go of him completely and nodded "Thanks. For the hug and that."
"It's alright. I'm here." I nodded, still finding it hard to take in the situation. It wasn't new and part of me knew that but the other part made me feel guilty that I just couldn't give that back "You sure you wanna watch dom?"
"Yeah." Just as I said that the stage lit up again from behind the curtain "Tonight, will you stay with me?"
"Course I will." He spun me round and gently guided me closer to the barrier of the balcony "Watch the show yeah? He's so proud of you too and I want you to watch it from up here." He gently squeezed my shoulders before letting go of them completely
"No." I whined "Can you hold my hand or something, so I know you're there."
"Course I can Sweetheart." He moved beside me and held my hand tight "Enjoy the show and we can talk later"
"Thanks gav" I said softly, resting my head on his shoulder. He didn't get to respond straight away as I lifted my head up to see the scenes down below. It made me smile so wide at how big this thing dom had created really was. And it was even more precious to see him so excited about it. He looked up and blew a kiss towards the balcony. I didn't know it was to me but when he noted and did it again I realised. I smiled and caught it making him melt. He was full of little interactions like that and they were so fucking sweet. Like he loved me but not in the same way tom did. More like a little sister. He started the show and I rested my head on gavins shoulder again like before
"You're very welcome kid. I'd give you the world if I could."
"Dad would be so proud of you. I know it."
"I don't think he would. But he would be proud of you."
"No, you promised you'd make his little girl a star and you did." He nodded and didn't say anything, but I knew he was upset so I didn't bother him. He always got emotional talking about dad, I think it's because that's the special connection to me. I wasn't just work I was family and he had loyalties to his family that exceeded his job
"I love you Lucy. You're my girl, no matter how big you get you're still gonna want me to be around right?"
"Always gav. I promise." He nodded "You wanna talk any more?" He shook his head and I sighed softly. All hopes of actually paying attention to the show had gone out of the window "I love you too."

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