New family

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The couple decided to keep the kids for a week without anyone knowing, to make sure if the kids really wanted to stay with them. After all Kyouko called Asami mommy the first day, but the next days she didn't. Not because she didn't liked them, but because she thought it would be awkward for them that a street girl started calling her mommy out of nowhere. She was a smart girl.
The thing is that the more the kids spent time with the couple, the more they wanted to stay and share things with them. They did many things together, once Korra gave both of them bending clases, another rained so they cooked all together and watched movies. But most importantly, they held them when they were sad, or put limits when they needed. Hearing Asami shouting- Kuruk don't use bending on the house! Was very common. Anyone could say they were a family.

A week later it was morning, Asami woke up to check on the kids but she felt something different on the bed. It was Kyouko, who was sleeping in the middle between her and Korra, she had had a nightmare so she sneaked out to the bed. She was so cute curled up in Korra's arms, but by her movement Kyouko woke up and rubbing her eyes said-"Good morning".
"Morning, sweetheart"- Asami answered back.
"Is it ok if I call you mommy and her momma?"- the little girl asked pointing to her and then Korra-"Because me and my brother really want to stay with you".
"U-um..."- Asami didn't know what to say exactly, she wanted them to stay and was glad the kids felt the same. And even though they had spent such a good time together, she felt something was missing. Then she realized, as Korra said before they needed their custody. So she answered while caressing the little pink cheek-"I don't mind. But you know you aren't our kids yet. Me and Korra can't keep you forever until...".
"I don't understand, we are here with you already"- Kyouko interrupted her.
"Well first, we need to talk to your father for permission to stay with you, and if he does let us we need to do it formal"- Asami tried her best to explain the little girl.
"My father will say yes, he does not like us, and I didn't understand much but is that why we can't get out of the house?".
"Yes darling, if someone see us they will think we stole you and we will go to jail"- Asami explained for the girl to understand.
"Ok, but can we do that now because I want to visit the city and call you mommy".

Kuruk who was listening behind the door came in and said-" She is right, we feel like you are my parents, please do it legal, some day we will have to go to school".
Asami was surprised by the boy she didn't herd him enter, and how could Korra not be up to hear this? The kids wanted us for being their parents!
Anyway Asami told them how she really felt-"I know, me and Korra feel the same, and we will do everything to keep you now that we know. See, since the day we found you on the street, we loved you both".
"Thanks!"-said the boy in tears while running to Asami for a hug.
Asami hold both kids and felt something she didn't before. It was the feeling only a mother could feel.
As the bed moved, Korra woke and saw all these people on her bed.
"What's going on?"- she asked.
"We want you to be our momma"- said Kyouko cheerfully while releasing Asami and hugging Korra.
The Avatar was shocked. What did she missed? Anyway, she was happy for what the girl just said, and hugged her and everyone back.
"I'm glad you said that"- said Korra.

After a few minutes, Asami dried Kuruk's eyes and said-" Ok, let's go get some breakfast".
"Mhmm.. sounds good"- said Kyouko.
"Yeah I'm hungry"- added Kuruk.
"Very good, let's go"- said Korra holding the girl in her arms and taking her to the kitchen. Behind them Asami followed her, holding Kuruk's hand.

After they eated Korra asked the kids to change their pijamas for some clothes because they were going out.
"So how are we going to do?"-asked Asami.
"Well first, let's go to the Judgement Hall and sue the man, because he must be punished for what he did to his children. And then, we ask for their custody"- The Avatar answered determined.
"It's a good idea, let's go!"- Asami said.

Having everything ready they left to the Judgement Hall. Korra asked Kuruk his father's name, and he was called Shaw Kuong. When they arrived, the Avatar asked for her fiancée to stay with the kids and wait for her. Korra didn't took so long just like 20 minutes , there was nobody and the Judge told her, they will take the man for interrogation and gave her an appointment for tomorrow morning, but that she couldn't stay with the kids. That was the main reason why she delayed. Korra was furious, they were two little kids, and since they arrived here they have had a horrible time, and now that they felt secure with them she was gonna take them away?!, she didn't think so. She tried everything but the woman refused to let her stay with the kids until the trial was over.

Fortunately for Korra, Mako was near and heard the discussion.
"What's going on?"- he asked.
"Oh thank god you are here, Mako I need your help!"-said Korra.
"What is it?". The Avatar explained everything to him and Mako convinced the Judge to let the kids stay with her as he will be checking on her. Then they left.
"So you are having kids now?"- Mako asked heading to the car. Thinking that it was quite a rush decision since they didn't marry yet. But he saved the comment, Korra was frustrated, so he didn't want to make it worse.
"Yeah, you will be like an uncle for Kuruk and Kyouko"- Korra said cheerfully.
"Haha ok, can I meet them?".
"Sure, come with us to the shopping centre, or are you working?"
"I'm afraid I am, but I will just say hello at the car".
"As you want".

Asami saw them getting out from the building and got off the car followed by the kids. She raised Kyouko and said-" Hey Mako. Sweetie why did you took so long?".
Korra explained everything to Asami while Mako talked to the boy.
"Hey, you must be Kuruk"- he said.
"Yes, and you are...?"- the boy asked.
"I'm uncle Mako"- he answered.
"Oh I see, are you a fire bender? Cuz that will be cool!"- said Kuruk with a smile in his face. He was happy to have a new uncle, he never had one before, and more he was a fire bender! Mako was going to say something when Asami said-" Mako I appreciate what you did".
"No problem Asami, after all you are my friends"- but he backed off-" But now I have work to do. See you later"- he said goodbye.
"See you!"- the four answered and left to the mall to get new clothes and stuff for the kids. Tomorrow it will be a rough day.
Hope you enjoy, please vote and comment (^^)

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