Shaw Kuong and his wife

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It was late at night and Asami, Korra and the kids where already sleeping after returning from the mall. Meanwhile on Shaw's house. He was reading a book next to his wife, when someone knocked at the door, so she answered. It was the police.
"Miss Kuong, right?"- Lin said.
"Yes"- she answered.
"Is your husband home?".
"Yes. Is something wrong?".
"Yes, we need to interrogate him"- said Lin breaking into the house looking for the man.
"Wait! What for is he going to be interrogated?"- the woman claimed grabbing Lin's arm.
"Don't touch me"- she said taking off the woman's hand from her arm-"You explain her"- Lin pointed to another police officer who was with her, while she continued searching the man. It was a big house.

"You see Miss Kuong, your husband was married before you, and he had 2 little kids"- the policeman explained.
"I know that, but they live with their mother and they didn't get on well with their father"- Miss Kuong said.
"Yeah but, I am afraid that the mother of the kids died on an accident....".
"So they survived. Those rats!"- she whispered interrupting the man with contempt.
The officer was surprised from the women's reaction, and played it cool. This was very useful information for his boss! The woman actually planned a murder from here to Ba Sing Se.

Lin came with the man handcuffed trying to release. As soon as he saw his boss, he run behind her and whispered to her ear-"Cheif, I have evidence that his wife murdered the mother of the kids". He had actually recorded everything.
"Ok, take her too"- Lin ordered this man, and to the other two she said-" You two search the house for evidence!". And they took the couple to the Police Station where both were being interrogated for the death of the mother of the kids and their abandonment.

Finally, Shaw confessed. It was like 5 o'clock in the morning and Lin's patience was running out. She was tired of telling him she knew he was lying. But she won't let him sleep until he told the truth.
"Ok fine!"- said the man tired of coming up with stupid stories every 10 minute.
Lin started recording.
"I killed her, I payed a group of teens from Ba Sing Se to set fire their house".
"Why would you do that? They're your family your kids!"- said Lin disgusted.
" I know! But their mother would never work. You know, when I loved her, my work always kept me traveling. I made tons of it she didn't need to, and when I got home she will always complain that I needed more time with the kids, that I was a cheater bla bla bla"- he took a minute to breathe. Lin nodded and he continued.

"I soon got tired, divorced and left the city to come here where I married this wonderful woman. But still she will send me letters apologizing, asking for money. She would always say, do it for kids they are starving. The first time I sent some money back hoping that she would find a job, but she never did"- Shaw did a little pause shooking his head as if he didn't have any other option. *Sighs*.
"Not only me but my wife got tired, we were working for them! I couldn't stand it anymore. So I payed some kids to set on fire their house. After that they called me they were all dead, so I could finally relax and enjoy a day with the woman I love. But some days ago those kids appear in house expecting me to help them after everything I have done for them before!"- Shaw said frustrated.
"Of course they expected you to help them, you are their father!"- Lin said angrily.
"But I got divorced, I am not their father no more!".
"No, for that you have to sign other papers to say that you won't take care of them anymore, we have those papers right here"- said the police Chief showing the man some papers and pen.

"Give me that! I will sign them now, I don't want to see them never again"- Mr Kuong said while signing them.
"Thanks Shaw"- said Lin with a smile on her face. She could finally help her friend to make her family and put this psychopath behind bars.
"What's so funny!?"- Shaw asked really pised.
"Well I know for sure you won't see them again for a long long time".
"What do mean?".
"I don't know for how long but you will go to jail, that will be decided tomorrow by the Judge".
Shaw's eyes wide open as two eggs, he couldn't believe he confessed that he murdered his first wife just because he was tired. He then realized what he had done, he regretted it tremendously. He should have never let his actual wife's ideas get in his mind, everything would have been better other way.
Though, he didn't regret divorcing her and loosing his children, he never liked them at all.

The next day the Judge had plenty information to put both of them behind bars, so the trial was short. And Korra didn't need to be there, so Lin went visit them.

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