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'But sweetheart, Lucan is an amazing boy,' He yelled 'It'd do you good to meet him, as you'll be marrying him in just three months.'

The time had come for her to marry. Lucan Anson was the one chosen; being from a kingdom neighbouring the Uphemia Dynasty, Lucan seemed like the perfect option.

They'd been friends for years, but had slowly drifted away due to age difference, and distance.

She'd had to leave to the Uphemia Dynasty for around six years. Her memory was foggy. She couldn't remember how long she'd left for, but all she knew was that she had to go back. She'd just had an argument with her least favourite parent, her father. Years of emotional manipulation had led her to despise her father, but was forced to live with him regardless.

Despite constant attempts she made for him to convince him to find love on her own, and not force her into the arranged marriage , Olwyn was in a situation that, luckily, nobody else in the Dynasty would have to face.

'Y'know,' Olwyn announced to her owl. 'I want to go for a walk. You want to come?'

Persimmon orange dots met her stormy grey eyes. Athena gave her finger an affectionate nip of approval, as Olwyn opened her window, and strolled down the stairs at a moderate speed.


The vast lake remained a deep shade of denim blue, just as it had when she was younger.

It reflected the sky in a manner that she loved. You could see the stars twinkling in the sky, and the small ripples from the soft wind added the affect that they were dancing.

It was a remarkable area to clear your head, but then again, it was only available for the high-ranking soldiers and the royals.

Time seemed to stop when she was there. It was calming and peaceful. One of her favourite places in the entire kingdom, and one where the paparazzi couldn't get to, leaving her alone with her thoughts. Which, sometimes, it was probably better that she was left to her own devices.

As she gazed upon the immense lake again, she, too, almost lost consciousness when she saw what looked like her younger self staring back up at her from the water.

After a short while of thinking of a rational reason as to how this was possible, she looked back at the lake to find that the reflection of her as a toddler had now, in fact disappeared, and was now standing across from her, staring at her as if planning a massacre.

'Who are you?' Olwyn asked. This question went back and forth between the two when, finally, the young girl responded.

'I' She said in a defiant tone. 'Am Olwyn. Pe-'

Olwyn interrupted 'But how? Nobody ese here has the same name as me, and you should know it is Illegal to...' She trailed off after noticing that the young girl was growing at a rapid rate, and began to look more like the twelve-year-old she was now.

She cleared her throat. 'As I was saying, I am Olwyn Pearl Crimson.'

The pair looked at each other for a while before the tatty owl, Athena showed up, and landed on her shoulder. The, once younger girl, looked at the bird in jealousy as if it had been hers.

'That's my bird. Get away from her!' she barked.

And then, everything went blurry and began to fade out of sight as it all went black. 

𝐴 𝑆𝑡𝑎𝑖𝑛𝑒𝑑 𝐻𝑒𝑎𝑟𝑡 | 𝐖𝐢𝐈𝐥𝐛𝐮𝐫𝐠𝐞𝐫Where stories live. Discover now