Sk8-5 [blonde red?]

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(Short and boring chapter)
Time skip to ze next day, 3rd pov

"Akane! Akane! Akane! Akane! Akane! Akane! Akane! AKANE-CHAN!" (Name) kept yelling, they were running at the said person named Akane who was not paying attention so he couldn't hear his name being yelled...or that was until he felt himself being picked up and spun around.

"Set me down you (h/n) haired devil! It's not funny!" Akane Fujioka said. "Aka-ne-San! I just realized you said "Rin Akane" instead of "Fujioka Akane," what's up with that?" (Name) asked as they set the poor boy down.

"Well I don't know...I guess I've been going with a fake name for a long time, I've gotten used to it." "Well you aren't someone who needs to hide their name, that was a one time thing!" (Name) said and spun around to head start heading for class.

'Why did Akane need to create a fake name again? Oh!'

Akane was in a small little movie that was put together by his dad. Akane has forgotten what the character's last name was so he made something up and for some reason, ever since then, he's said that fake last name everywhere.

"Akane, you should just let me tell people who you are. What if you keep forgetting to use your real last name?" (Name) said and almost bumped into someone because they were running while laughing a little.

"I'll eventually get used to saying my real last name soon, just give me time and practice." Akane said and watched the person who was running almost keep bumping into people.

"Why are they running?" Both Akane and (Name) said, after they said that, they heard more steps that sounded like running.

"Get back here!"

"Where'd you go?!"

"Can we stop running after him?"

'Three boys are running after someone?' (Name) thought and then checked the time, 8:18. 'Why is it so early still?!'

"Uh bye Akane! I'll see you in class!" (Name) then said and started running in the direction of the group of boys.


After running for a while, the three boys stopped to maybe take a break.

"Where do you think he went?" Boy #1 asked, "Maybe this way." Boy #2 said, "What if we ask (r/n)? Maybe she saw?" Boy #3 suggested while (Name) went up to them.

"Hey! What's up!" (Name) wanted to know why they were running after someone, so they decided to "be" on their side.

"Oh, who are you? Actually never mind, have you seen some blonde boy with red half way?" Boy #1 asked, (Name) thought for a second and remembered seeing some blonde red thing zooming past them. They wouldn't actually tell them where though, They don't even know where.

"Um... if you really want to know, I'm pretty sure she went that way." (Name) said and pointed to the right.

The three boys, obviously confused with the "she" pronoun, #2 asked "Who did?" "The blonde red boy." (Name) responded.

(A/n: underlined mean the boys/one of the boys are talking and bold means (Name) is talking.

"He did?" "He did what?" "Went that way..." "Who went that way?" "The blonde." "What blonde?" "But didn't you just say..? I mean..." "Can you stand on your head? However, if I were looking for some blonde, I'd ask "Mad Hatter" you see." "Mad hatter? What?" "Or there is 'Mr. (L/n)' in that direction." (Name) points at the left now. "Thank you..." "Of course...but like the "Mad Hatter", he's mad too" "But we shouldn't go among mad people." "Oh! You can't help that! Most everyone is mad here. Haha"

After (Name)'s small evil little laugh, they turn to look at the boys and says "Well are you not going to run along now? After all, I did help you." (Name) smiles and the three boys stand there confused, who the hell could be the mad hatter? This is middle school.

The boys walked away to the second place (Name) pointed which was left, still in search of the blonde red person and (Name) goes running to where they first pointed, right, in hopes of first finding the person the boys were looking for.

Luckily, they didn't have to look very far. They saw a person with blonde hair roots and the rest some red color, (Name) walks up to them.

"Hey uh yeah, hey dude, what's up. Why you running?" The person they were trying to talk to only slowly turned around, looked right at them and said "I'm being bwullied." "Well that's not good, why are you being bullied?" "It's more of some people wanna beat me up because of something I said..." "what'd you say?"

"One said "You might be bi but no men or women would ever love someone like you. So I said what anyone else would've said! "Your girlfriend and brother tell a different story." Happily said the one the was once being chased. (Name) nodded and was "That, that is a good thing to say... so... is it true?" The person who's name we don't know yet slowly nodded and smiled.

"At least it's a good reason! I just made those boys go around trying to find some people like 'Mad Hatter' and 'Mr. (L/n)' haha, basically I told them some lines from Alice in Wonderland, oh and (L/n) is my last name, but they don't know that so it works out completely fine."

"That's funny as fvck☠️ Oh yeah and by the way, I'm Jace, uh second year in middle school." 'Second year? Middle school?!' "YOU LOOK LIKE YOU'RE IN HIGH SCHOOL!!" "I get that a lot, well what about you? Let me guess, you're an actual high schooler with some random kids uniform?" "Actually, I'm (Name) (L/n), also a second year." "Wait, (Name) (L/n)? I've heard that somewhere before! Where was that? Oh! You're that voice actor! That's so cool!" "Yeah But welp, this scene is boring so Imma just head to class now, see you around Jace!" "Bye! Nice meeting you!"

After scccchool time skip (still 3pov)

"Miya! Hey! Over here! Miya! Let's go home together! Miya!" "Shut it slime!" Head slap "I'm sorry kitty😢 but that kinda hurted me tho💔" (Name) said and instead of rubbing their heard like a normal person, they decided to-

"Hey baby, won't you look my way? I can be your new addiction! Hey baby, what you gotta say? All you're giving me is fiction. I'm a sorry sucker and this happens all the time. I found out that everybody talks, everybody talks, everybody talks!"

"Slime stop singing randomly!" Miya yelled, "This is my princess story! Let me be! Or- you can be the princess😄" "No." "Damn"

"Where'd you wanna go anyways slime?" "Oh yeah! I kinda wanted to go get a bunch of ear piercings! And maybe some secret tattoos." "No tattoos." "Damn"

"What type of piercings?" "You know like some stacked lobe, high lobe, low helix, conch, mid helix, flat, industrial, triple upper helix, eyebrow, maybe bridge, nose, septum, spider bite, a normal tongue one and that's probably about it😄" "I have no idea what everyone of those are😐 but why so many?" "Why not?"

A/n: I felt the need to post something real small but this is just so boring, I'm trying here😿


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