Present's Arrival

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They had just been getting ready to head out on a recon mission when a comically stupid-sounding pop! was heard and Lloyd appeared in the middle of the control room.

"Lloyd?!" Kai asked, surprised to see his brother standing there (when he hadn't been five minutes prior).

It hadn't even been a day since they hadn't been able to find Lloyd.

"Hey Kai," Lloyd greeted.

"Why were you forty years in the future?" Kai asked, still a bit too loud.

Before the blond could answer, the others arrived at the control room to see what the commotion was about.

"Lloyd! You're back," Nya said, stepping into the room.

To be honest, it was strange seeing Nya as a fourteen-year-old, he'd gotten used to the older version of her even though he hadn't been in the future for more than a day (or a couple of hours if you could be bothered to get technical).

"I don't know why or how I ended up forty years into the future but I'd rather not be there for the rest of my life," he answered Kai's question.

"Is it...not good?" Cole asked.

Lloyd shook his head.

"No, it's not as bad as you may think,"

"If you know about future events, how come we aren't affected? How haven't you caused a time paradox?" Jay asked.

"That's only in the comics, Jay, and anyways, there hasn't been any time for me to make any changes that would possibly affect the future," Lloyd said.

"It's great that you're back Lloyd but this mission is time-sensitive so we'd better get moving," Nya interjected.

With that, they got their stuff together (and Lloyd got his weapons) and they set off.

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