❥ chapter ten | rendezvous ✓

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Haseena's POV.

My Dearest Tall-head,

Before I saw you for the first time it was the time I had given up on love. Due to the impure and maligned profession I was a part of, I thought I would never fall in love, and that no one will fall in love with a girl like me who was a mark of disrespect, disgust and shame!

Deep down in my heart, I had decided that Haseena Ibrahim, who is now Haseena Bai a dancing girl and a prostitute, will never open the gates of her heart to any man ever.

All of the men who I had met so far, all wanted my body and never my heart. They wanted me in their bed, but never in their lives.

I had always thought that the love between a man and a woman, most precisely reffered to as romantic love is nothing but an excuse for a man to fulfill his sexual desires, in my opinion for a man in today's age, a woman is not worthy of being known personally or to be friends with, all she deserves is to be claimed, suppressed, prosecuted, humiliated and demeaned. Why is that? Because she is a woman, as simple as that!

My heart had been lied to, it was broken to millions of pieces, I was all lost and hurt. But once you came, everything changed.

You saw the demure, meek and innocent Haseena in me that I had hidden under the facade of Haseena Bai, you saw the purity of my soul, you saw the beauty of my heart and not just the beauty of my face or body.

You saw so much in me, and didn't allow me to stay in the dungeons of darkness I had thrown myself into. You believed in me, like no one else.

Thank you for believing in me, I know you would never fall in love with a girl like me, but thank you for making me an important part of your life, if not the heart of your life.

I will be forever grateful for the respect you gave me, I won't say that I deserved it but respect was indeed something I had yearned for, all my life.

Thank you for giving me some place in your heart, if not giving me your entire heart, or making me the Queen of your heart because I know that will never be my place to live!

I know I can never be the Queen of your heart or ever rule it with my love, claiming it as mine. But despite all that, you were, you are and you will always be the King of my heart!

I love you, my Raghu!

With you, I found myself again when I was on the verge of losing myself. I know I could have never done it without you.

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