II: Deception

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"Take a seat. You have no duties today since today was the orientation. You have plenty of time to talk."

Bold of her to assume that he wasn't going to walk out on her. He already had a bad impression of Ch'en when she kept going at him once he had already passed her challenge. The woman named Hoshiguma had already told him not to worry about the meeting, but as soon as he entered, he already felt work vibes. Working... was something that he did not want to do, especially during the first day. As took a seat as instructed, but if anything crazy went on, he was running out of here.

"What did you want to see me for again?"

"Your request to be transferred to an upper class."

"Huh-? When did I make that request-"

"You were complaining about how you already knew how to fight with the steps I showed the recruits. And after that, I said that if you won, then I'd transfer you up."

"I... don't remember any of that. And even if that did happen, wasn't that more of your offer rather than my request?"

"Do you want to be promoted up a class or not? Otherwise you'd be stuck down there with the other recruits and the same boring lectures."

"Uh... I'll pass on that. Please move me up a class."

So.. if Ch'en was the instructor of that class Seha was just in, that meant the class he would be transferred to would have a different instructor. That meant he wouldn't have to deal with Ch'en again. No offense towards her, but she was too pushy and extreme in his opinion. He definitely wouldn't be able to stand being around the same side of the building as her. As he thought on, he blocking out Ch'en's explanations until...

"...meaning that you will be held responsible for the actions. You will be working under me with the other LGD members, since you have demonstrated potential. Honestly, lecturing with recruits like you is hard, but if you show improvement, I'm willing to-"

"Wait wait-! Hold on a minute! You mean you were just the substitute for the first class?"


".....Please transfer me back down-"


Right then and there, Seha felt that that Ch'en was truly annoyed. She had shot him with a look of annoyance, but then it suddenly switched to something much more horrifying: a dark and smug look. It was then Seha knew that he was in trouble and that he wasn't going to get off with a light lecture.

"So... you accepted the promotion thinking that you wouldn't have to be seen by me, did you?"

"I uh- No, no! That's not the case! I was just suddenly thinking how I might not be ready for this kind of thing yet and that I might have to train a bit more to get promoted! So if you could kindly just move me back down a class-"

"If it's training you need, then that can easily be arranged. Meet me at the gym 3:45 PM sharp tomorrow. If you come late or ditch, you'll have a whole another thing coming for you."

".... Ch'en, please-"

Ch'en didn't answer, but instead rested her elbows on the table and leaned forth, entwining both of her hands and put them over her mouth, giving him a look that dared him to talk his way out of this one. Knowing that it was futile to talk his way out of this mess, Seha gave out a nervous laugh and mumbled something about being on time, to which Ch'en relented then.

"At any rate with all jokes aside, you're due for a mission soon. It's a mandatory one all first years here have to take."

"Are you making this up-"

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