Chapter 1

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"Gather around!" called Yagashi, leader of the Sioux Tribe. Following him was a young teenager about 15 years of age. She was wearing a traditional ceremony dress with several ankle bands. She also wore a headdress that was slightly covering her light hazelnut hair. Kahloua was her name.  She wore a feather neckless which belonged to her mother, she never took it off.

She loved horses more than anything. Horses were painted all over her tent, horses on her clothes and horses everywhere! Her dream was to become the best horse rider in the tribe!But was often teased by boys, as in the Sioux tribe only men and boys ride horses and tame them.

Kahloua was practicing roping when a group of boys called out '

" HAHA, that girl thinks she can ride a horse! HAHA!"

"Well I want to see you try beat me in roping" she answered, indeed she was very good at roping.

The boys tried to beat her but it was no use, she was the roping queen.

"Urgh, never mind boys we can do better than her! I just had an arm injury!"

"Ha, then maybe you should see a doctor then!"teased Kahloua, and they all ran away.

Tonight is the ceremony, I better get dressed, thought Kahloua.

 Sorry that this chapter was so short but it really gives you that picture

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