The day after

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I woke up the next morning and checked my phone. I didn't see any calls from him so I didn't worry. It was still early he could be sleeping.

I went down stairs to make my coffee and I saw my mom sitting at the table with a somber look.

"Ma what's wrong,"I asked sitting across from her at the table.

"Gabi it's Troy,"she told me and immediately my face paled.

"Ma what's wrong with Troy! I just saw him last night and he was fine!"I cried desperate for answers.

"Baby Troy was in an accident this morning," she told me and I started crying,"its not looking good Gabi."

"No I just saw him last night he's fine I know he is!"

"Do you want to go down to the hospital?"she asked while trying to console me.

I was able to nod my head and she ushered me to the car. The car ride to the hospital ride was quiet and tears continued to stream down my face.

We pulled into the hospital parking lot and I fled the car to the hospital. I ran up to ICU. Something in my gut told me that he was there. I immediately saw Troys parents Jack and Lucille. Jack was pacing and Lucille was staring out the window. As I approached them Lucille looked up and tried to muster a smile for my sake but she couldn't do it.

"How is Troy doing?"I asked my voice coming out almost silent.

"Gabi I'm not going to lie it's not looking good he's in a coma right now because he had internal bleeding and when they operated he slipped into one,"Lucille explained to me as tears slipped down me cheeks again.

"I'm so sorry! Am I allowed to be here?"I Questioned as I didn't want to intrude.

"Gabi you are like a daughter to us of course you are allowed to be here!"she exclaimed.

"I don't want to intrude....."I tried to say but Lucille looked at me sternly and I stopped.

"Gabi what did she just say,"Jack told me finally speaking up. Jack is honestly like my second father and he is always there for me.

"Am I aloud to see him?" I asked them as we all shifted in the awkward silence.

"By all means honey go ahead. Jack and I have already been back multiple times each,"Lucille told me as I made my way to his room.

As I entered the room the first thing I saw was all of the wires and tubs hooked up to his body. It was honestly really scary seeing him like that. the next thing I saw was Troys pale body lying there on the hospital bead. I ran over to his side tears spilling down my cheeks.

"Troy, baby you can't leave me please don't! I already lost my dad I can't lose you too!" I cried pathetically trying to bring him out of his coma.

I heard the door open and I spun around.

"Miss are you immediate family?"he asked me with a stern look.

"Yes I am his fiancé,"I stuttered out trying to make sure I didn't get caught lying to a doctor.

"Okay then you may stay, but I need to inform you of his condition,"the doctor started. I nodded my head and he continued,"I am hoping that he will wake up soon or at least that's what we hope. he is looking good and can breathe on his own but if he doesn't wake up his recover rate will drop."

"Will he ever be able to live a normal life again?"I asked quietly and the doctor looked at me sadly.

"I'm hoping that he will be able to but he has a long road ahead of him," the doctor told me solemnly.

"Thank you doctor,"I said as he exited the room.

I kissed Troys forehead and then I went to the waiting room to tell Troys parents what the doctor had told me.

"So the doctor gave me an update,"I said making my presence known.

"How did you manage that,"Jack questioned me curiously.

"I kinda told a white lie. The doctor thinks that Troy and I are engaged," I told them and Lucille laughed.

"Gabi you have been dating my son for like a week and you guys are already engaged?" Jack joked while I giggled. it was the first time I had laughed since I found out Troy was in the hospital.

"What did the doctor tell out sweetheart,"Lucille asked and all of us went quiet.

"He told me that they think that Troy will wake up soon,"i started and I saw their faces lift and then I continued,"He also said that if Troy doesn't wake up then his recovery rate drops."

Jack signed and Lucille looked at me to see if I was joking.

"I'm so sorry guys, I really am. I will be back later I am going to go to Taylor's,"I told them as I exited the hospital and called Taylor to some pick me up.

"Gabi why am I picking you up at the hospital," Taylor asked scared when she pulled up.

"Tay it's Troy,"I told her sobbing as I got in the car and she pulled out into the main road.

"Sweetie what's wrong with Troy,"she said trying to get me to open up.

"He's in a coma Tay,"I cried and her face paled. She immediately got on the phone with Chad. I didn't here much because I was so out of it, but what I did here was her saying that he needed to come over now.

Once we pulled in Tay's driveway she was able to get me to the house with some coaxing.

"Tay, baby what's wrong?"I heard Chad ask as the door opened and shut. I was upstairs in Tay's bedroom lying on the bed feeling like I was the one in a coma.

After I heard their murmured voices for a while Taylor's bedroom door opened.

"Gabster how are you doing?"Chad asked softly.

"It hurts Chad. He could not come back to me," I responded softly but I didn't cry. It seemed as if my body didn't have any tears left.

"I know it does. I promise you Gabi Troy will come back. He will, he has you. He just got you so he won't give up yet,"Chad tried to convince me and I slowly nodded my head trying to convince myself to listen to him.

"Thanks Chad that means a lot,"I replied and he nodded his head and gave me a hug.

"Hey Gabs have you called your mom yet,"Taylor inquired whilst entering the room.

"No I haven't had the strength,"I confided as she handed me my cell phone.

"Hey mama," I greeted softly.

"Gabi, sweetheart how is Troy doing?" She questioned.

"Not good. They have confidence that he will wake up though,"I said trying to stay positive.

"That's great! I'm so sorry I couldn't be there today. I tried to get off work but I couldn't,"she explained as I just sighed. I didn't need her today but it would have been nice having her there. It's always like this. Her work obligations seem to take more of her time then I do. She missed my eighth grade graduation because of her work and she worked the day of my dad's funeral instead of being there after the fact to mourn with me.

"It's fine ma, I'm at Taylor's now but I have to go," I told her then I hung up without even saying good bye.

"I'm sorry Gabi you know that she loves you,"Taylor tried to cheer me up but it didn't exactly work.

"I know but it still hurts Tay."I told her.

"Do you want to go see if you can see Troy?" She asked softly and I nodded my head. even in his comatose state I knew he would be able to make this better.

We walked down the stairs and out to the car. I was nervous seeing him but I know that I could do it. here we go.

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