I love you Baby

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(Gabi's POV)
I entered the hospital and made the trek back to troys room. When I passed the waiting room for the ICU nobody was there and Lucille and jack seemed to have disappeared so I went back to Troys room without them. When I entered I saw the room empty and I immediately assumed the worse I sat down on the bed and started bawling. I can't believe I lost him. He was the best thing that ever happened to me and I lost him. How could I lose him?

A nurse must have seen me crying because she entered the room and asked me"Miss is everything ok?"

I managed to stutter out," Do you know where Troy Bolton is I am his Fiancé?"

"Yes he was moved to room 203 after he woke up this afternoon,"she told me and then left. My heart started to soar. I didn't those troy and he's awake. I grabbed my purse and raced through the hospital. I didn't take the elevator because I thought it was going to be too slow and I couldn't wait anymore to see him.

I raced to room 203 and ran into someone. I started to apologize and then I realized that it was Jack.

"I'm guessing that you found out that troy woke up?" Jack chuckled at my eagerness.

I nodded and he stepped aside and I walked into troys room to see him sitting up and talking to his nurse about God knows what. As I got closer he noticed my presence and looked at me. Blue met brown and I rushed to his bedside and he grinned at me.

I hugged him after he winced I let him go a little bit but still stayed latched on. I started sobbing into his chest and both his mom and the nurse left the room to leave us alone.

"Brie baby what's wrong? talk to me?"

"I thought you were going to leave me,"i blubbered and he held on to me as I sobbed.

"Brie look at me. I want to see your beautiful brown eyes,"I looked up at him and he smiled,"Brie I'm not leaving you until I die when we are old and frail. I will only die a day before you because I never want to see a life without my Brie. I couldn't live without you because you are my world, my everything." He was stroking my hair as he said this and my sobs had finally subsided.

"I still don't think this you dying first thing is fair but we have a while so it might be ok," i grinned back at him and he smiled at me.

"I'm sorry Brie for scaring you,"I nodded and then crawled Into bed with him and curled up to his side. We both drifted to sleep. -

Troy was discharged 3 days later after extensive tests to make sure that nothing was wrong with him. He ended up with a sprained ankle and a few bruised ribs but the only major thing was his internal bleeding that was solved with surgery.

I went to the hospital every day after school and all of our friends asked questions about him.

"Troy when are you going back to school?"I asked him as I laid on his chest while we watched a movie when I got out of school.

"I think I am going back tomorrow actually. My ankle is healed and my ribs only cause me minor pain but I should be fine."

"I'm so glad! I actually think Darbus misses you,"I joked and he looked at me as if I had sprouted two heads.

"You have to be joking,"he responded and then my giggling gave me away. He looked at me and I looked at him and then our lips met in a tentative kiss. This is the first time we had kissed since the accident. His lips felt the same as they did a week ago but it felt like forever since that kiss.

He broke away first and stared into my eyes as he stroked my face gently.

"I love you Brie,"he told me softly and those words surprised me so much that my eyes perked with tears.

"I love you too Wildcat,"I replied and our lips met in another kiss.

Troys POV

After a half a week of school the gang was hanging out at my house and we were all sitting in my living room watching some chic flick that the girls talked the guys into. I didn't complain because Brie was sitting on my lap and I was playing with her hair. I was content with her being close to me. After the car accident I saw that I needed to not take my Brie for granted because I could lose her any day.

"Wildcat what are you thinking about?"she whispered in my ear. I looked Into her brown orbs and I real side how much I really loved her.

"You,"I replied as she giggled and I kissed her cheek.


"Because you see my life and I never want to live without you,"I stated simply and she lightly kissed my lips. Her lips tasted like honey and something else sweet, something just simply her.

"Good thing you won't ever have too,"she giggled and pulled me into a more passionate kiss. My tongue licked her lip begging for entrance in her mouth to wrestle with her own. She granted me entrance and I pulled her leg over my lap so that she was straddling me, She wrapped her arms around my neck and started playing with the short hairs there and I shuddered. She smirked unit the kiss and I decided to tease her back by wrapping my arms around her waist and letting them travel to her ass to get a firmer grip.
She squealed when I grabbed it and then we must have made too much noise because we heard chad shout,"Get a room."
Gabi's POV
We broke apart and she flipped back around to sit on my lap. We were both blushing and breathless.

"Alright since the lovers missed most of the movies, boys we are sending you outside so the girls can talk and gossip and then we are going out to dinner at Madi's later,"Shar ordered and the boys sighed and started walking out.

As the girls left the room and I started to get up and follow them, troy pulled me back so my back was flush with his chest and whispered in my ear, "I plan to finish that later baby." Then he walked out of the room. I giggled and sighed knowing that he was all mine.

As i entered the kitchen I saw the girls sitting there giggling and as soon as I walked into the room They squealed.

"Gabs spill! What was that going on in there! You and troy were sure getting hot and heavy!"Taylor screamed and I laughed at her reaction.

As I took a seat at the island I explained,"That was actually the first time we made out. We have said I love you though."

All of the girls squeezed and I beamed,"YA we said it on Tuesday after school when I went to his house.."

"Gab that's so cute,"Kelsi gushed and then the conversation drifted to her and Jason and then Shar and Zeke. We chatted for about an hour until I felt a pair of sweaty hands at my sides and warm breath on my neck.

This is the life I love. Troy and my friends by my side and everything is good. Little did I know things were about to get a lot harder for me and it would push my trust and frustration.
AN: so this is another short chapter and I apologize! Drama is coming for Troyella and I hope to be updating more!

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