My Past.....Niall's P.O.V

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I never talk about my past cause it's dark and dank. But I am gonna tell you about it and how Jade won my heart over. It all started when my parents got into a divorce and how they were trying to make me choose sides. So I got rebellious and went out on my own. Yes I do mean I went on my own,like I ran off for months,finally I decided to return home,but I was still rebellious against my parents. In court my mother got custody of my brother and I, my father only got the weekends with us and evenully stopped coming around. When I started in high school as a freshman I was suspend  alot!!! But then I saw this other freshman... she was such a goody two shoes,a least back then she was before she was babe. Something in my gut made me have so much hate and anger on her,that I started to make fun of her friends and nip-pick with them. Suddenly 10th grade came and it was the same cycle over and over again. It gotten so bad that Jade started to notice and would cuss me out. I guess she was more than goody two shoes... if you know what I mean...jk. But skipping ahead pass that car and woods guys already should know that part. But Jade would repeatly come to my house asking to hang out or go do something. My heatt soften up and we gotten really close like best friends. Until one day she won my heart for good...I was done,this girl was mine. She didn't do anything but stare into my eyes and talk to me like I was a real person,like I mattered,cause like I said I hated myself more than anything. I love Jade to death. I would do anything thing for her... I would die for her...she's mine and I'm glad I choose than with her to open up my heart again. My Lil Princess ♡

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