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Jade's P.O.V

I was walking home from school with Selena and Bella,we were hanging out today. We just got to my house when drops of rain started to fall from the clouds. I found my dad sitting on the couch with red cheeks and tears down his face." Dad,what's wrong" I asked sitting next to him." Your mom got into a car crash with a semi truck,dead on the scene" my dad cried. I covered my face and tears fell down my face. I couldn't believe that my mom was gone just like that. My heat ached in pain. I lost it all and ran out out of the house." Jade!"yelled my dad,buy I keep going down the street in the pouring rain.

Niall's P.O.V

I was at home watching the rain out my bedroom window,when my phone began to ring.


Niall! Is Jade with you?!

It was Selena and she seemed worried

No,is something wrong?

Now I was worried...

She found out her mom was killed in a car crash and she ran out the house.

In this weather!

Yes, we are looking everywhere and we can't find her. I am so worried

Okay,okay I'm gonna go out and find her.

Okay, I don't anything to happen to her

No,no I won't let that happen

Selena hung up , I grabbed my jacket and ran out of the house. I ran about 3 blocks and was already soaked. It was freezing cold out,but I wasn't gonna stop until I found Jade. It was dark now and the rain let up. It was so cold that I could see my breath. I had slowed down to a walk. Then I seen someone sitting on the curb and they seemed to be crying. I got closer and saw it was Jade. "Jade" I called and ran to her side. She looked at me with puffy eyes and red cheeks." Niall" she sqeaked. "Baby, you had me worried,please don't run off like that" I told her touching her cheek. "I don't know what happen,my dad told me my mom died in a car crash and I just lost it." She spoke in a scared voice,then she shivered."Come on,let's get you home" I said standing her up. I could tell she was to weak to walk,so I picked her up and she buried her face on my chest. I walked about 2 blocks until I got to her apartment building. I saw Selena and Bella standing outside with Jade's dad talking. Selena looked up and saw me carrying Jade." There she is" she pointed at me as I walked up the sidewalk. " Oh thank God" Jade's dad sqeaked making room for me. I got into the apartment and took Jade into the bathroom. I told her to take her clothes off and get into the tub. She obeyed and I rinsed her from all the mud caked on her. Afterwards I gave her a change of clothes and left the room to give her privacy. I walked down the hall towards the living room and hung up my jacket. I took off my shirt and waved it in the air to dry it. "Niall" Jade's dad said to me. I stopped and looked at him." Thank you for finding her, I didn't know what I would do if I lost her too,she's just like the most fraglie thing in the world,you have to be careful with her and I never see a guy treat her the way you do,it's like you made it your job to protect her,she needs you in her life,I think she would be lost without you.....she loves you" her dad said. I smirked " I love her too sir, I probably be in jail right now,if it weren't for Jade in my life....she changed my life" I said. Jade's dad chuckled and smiled. "You changed your life for her,you didn't have to open your heart and let her change things in your life" said her dad."I couldn't even try if I wanted to,she was always in my heart." I said. Her dad chuckled and he peeked around the corner." I think you're wanted, son" he told me. I looked around the corner and saw Jade leaning on the wall staring into my eyes. " You feel any better" I asked standing infront of her." Alittle" she told me grabbing my hand. " Stay with me" she told me. " Of course" I said

We laid on the couch watching a movie until we finally fell asleep. The next day her dad let us stay home and I made Jade breakfast. I thought now would be a good day to ask to the big question. She was sitting on the couch watching Supernatural ,when I walked to her and sat next her. She looked at me and smiled. " Can I ask you something" I asked her." Yeah of course" she told me. "Do you want to go out with me" I asked. A huge grin went on her face "duhhh" she said to me. I smiled and kissed her cheek. She laid her head on my lap and went back to watching Supernatural. I smirked and rubbed her stomach as I watch the show with her. I was happy at this point...she's mine now

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