chapter one

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Just one dumbass don't think I know her second name. Even God knows how much I hate this bitch.

She's so full of herself.
She's dating my ex boyfriend.

I think that's why she hates me. She thinks I'm still into him.

But I'll tell you for free, I'm so done with him.
Ex's are all in the past.
There are two places I never visit
1.a cemetery past.
Lemme tell you a little bit about this ex.

His name is Ryder. Totally sounds like an idiot, right? I know.
What a waste of a good name.
And to think I wanted to name my first  son Ryder,.
He just ruined that for me.
We had been dating for almost six months and one day he comes to me, telling me how we can't be together, how he's not ready.

The next day I find him kissing Layla and the next thing I hear are rumors that they may be a thing.

They eventually made it official..
Funny how this world plays games with us.
It reached break and I headed to the cafeteria.

My best friend Natalie was waiting for me at our usual spot. I joined her.
"Guess what I just heard! "she exclaimed.
Natalie gets excited like this mostly when she sees hot guys.

"lemme guess, you found a really hot guy who you think you might like? "
"even better, three hot guys just joined this school. "She replied.

"how's that even better? "I asked.

"Don't you get it Kristen, maybe the universe has brought them to us. "
"you've got to be kidding me., "

"No I'm not,you're single, I'm single, they're single "
"how do you know that?"
"I have my sources, "she said while winking at me.

"have you even met those guys?, maybe they aren't my type."
"Seriously?Kristen,last time I checked, Ryder was your type, look how it ended."
She does have a point though.
Maybe I don't have a type.

But I wasn't going to sit there and just fangirl over some guys I had not even seen yet.
"you don't plan on taking a break from dating do you?  "she asked

Maybe I should.
"maybe I will. "I replied.

"by the way, do you have a spare tshirt?"I asked her.
"I don't have a spare tshirt but I do have a spare dress,why ?"
"I stained  mine in the lab"
""oh, it's in my locker and you obviously know my locker combination so I guess you can go change,I'll be over here waiting."

I walked away.
When I reached her locker I opened it and removed the dress.
Damn it was small.
It was an off shoulder. I wasn't used to wearing dresses like Natalie but I had no choice, did I?

I thought of going to the bathroom but then maybe it wasn't such a good idea since people were out for break and it would be full.

The janitors  closet..
What other perfect place than the janitor's closet?
So I walked to the janitors closet.
I pushed the door open and got in.
It smelled like someone had been smoking in there.
Probably a few moments  before I got there.

I took off my stained shirt and out it in my backpack which I had brought with me.

I took the dress Nat had given me and put it over my head.

It was red,just like my bra.

Then I removed my ragged jeans from underneath.
I folded them and put them in my backpack too.
I slung my backpack over my shoulder and decided  to leave.
But then just as I touched the door handle,I heard some movements..
"Red doesn't suit you."

A voice startled me and I tried to figure out who the owner of that voice was but, I guess that voice didn't sound familiar.

Then the owner of that voice emerged from behind a couple of buckets which were arranged on a shelf.

I had studied in that school long enough to know that face was new.

I had never seen that person before,but maybe he had been there for sometime  and I had not noticed.
Since My breakup with Ryder, I didn't hang around school,, when I was free, I'd hang out somewhere else with Nat.

He had cigar in his lips.
So that's where the smell came from.
Had he been watching me, like the whole time?
And by 'red doesn't suit you ',did he mean my red dress or the red bra.
Maybe both?
This is definitely embarrassing.

Speak up Kristen.

He's looking at you.

He just said red doesn't suit you. Do something.
Don't let him lower your self esteem.

Say something.

I recollected myself..
I looked at him.

He was wearing a luminous orange b-ball and a black jacket.
Those are my favourite colours.
They looked so damn good on him.

But he did not have to know that did he?
How about I crush his ego?

"and orange doesn't suit you either ."
With that, I left the janitors.

But when I got out, I realized I had left my bag which I had previously  put down without even noticing.
I had to go back and get it.

But I had wanted to make a dramatic exit.
I wanted to say the last line and leave looking for some stupid comeback.
Now I had to go back in there.
I opened it and found him standing right where I left him.

Did I mention  he had great hair? I had instantly fallen in love with his hair.
He wasn't the gel type. His hair was messy.
The cute kind of messy.

"I knew you wouldn't  get enough of me."he said with his Cigar in between his fingers. He had nice fingers.
"I came back for my backpack you dumbass. "I shot back.
"wow, you're the cussing type."

He was annoying  me and I had only known him for like three minutes.
"I'm gonna leave and pretend I did not meet a stupid highschool kid ."

"did you just call me a stupid highschool kid?"
"maybe I did, maybe I didn't "I said with a smile. One of my famous sarcastic smiles.
"what part of all these, looks like a stupid highschool kid to you? "he asked me while pointing  to himself.

He did not look like a stupid highschool kid to me.
He was hot. He looked more of a campus guy than a highschool  student.
But we all lie at some point don't we?
"everything "I answered.

He just looked at me without  saying anything.

"Next time, please  don't watch a girl  change,its not cool, and please  look for somewhere  else to smoke. Not everyone enjoys that smell"

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