chapter 10

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*Im.sorry for the extremely looong break i took.

Chapter Ten.
The one person who made me loathe him so fucking much.
Ryder Walter.
I immediately let go of his grasp.
"what the hell do you want?"
I almost laughed.
Actually i think i did.

My attempt of trying to hide it was pathetic.

He moved so close to me that I could feel his scent.
For a second there,it revived all the feelings I once had for him,but them I remembered what he did to me and that got me back to my senses.

I tried pushing him away but he even more got closer.
"What happened to Layla?"
"I never loved her,she lied to me."

I get it now.Layla probably dumped him.I am so sure.He wouldn't let go of Layla that easy.

"You should have thought of that before you left me for her."I told him and moved away from him.

"Baby,where have you been?I've been waiting for you for the past 5 minutes"

Janitor boy emerged from behind the shelves of detergents and buckets.

He came straight to me and hugged me,then kissed my forehead.
Wait,did he just call me baby?
And five minutes?he was waiting for me?
He is dreaming definitely.
I decided to play along.I needed to get Ryder out of my space.
Out of my life actually,but obviously that wasn't entirely possible,cause we were in the same school anyway.
"I'm sorry baby,I just had a little problem on the way."I said,while looking at Ryder.

"Do we have a problem?"River asked Ryder.
"Are you dating the new guy?"Ryder asked me,assuming River wasn't right there.

"Why do you look surprised?you thought I'd just hang around waiting for you to come take me back?how dumb are you?"

Ryder took a step,in an attempt to get close to me and my baby,oh sorry.I mean ,River,pushed him to the wall by his shoulders and cornerd him.

"I never share whats mine,so . One.piece.of.advice.
Hands Off My Girlfriend.
Wait.!hold up!hold up!
I thought we were just pretending.
But I thought how that would keep Ryder out of my way,so I I didn't oppose the statement.

"You should do some research. The last guy who dared take what was mine,is using dentures right wanna join him It's?Dare me.It's just that simple."he threatened.

Wow,he really acted so well.Gosh,he deserved to be given An award .for a second there,I almost believed he was my boyfriend .

He then slid his hands round my waist,opened the door and led me out, leaving a shocked Ryder behind.Serves him right.
When we got outside,people were looking at us.i felt so awkward.

We reached outside the main entrance and he removed his hands from my waist.I also removed mine.

Dont be so clingy red b .it was just an act.he said.
“I the hell in my right senses would I even date you? ewww”i said.

I took a piece of wet tissue from my pocket and wiped my forehead.

“was that forehead kiss even necessary?”i questioned.
To be honest,i just did that to annoy him.

That forehead kiss was so cute and as much as I hated to admit,i liked it very much.

“we both know you liked it.”
“Dream on lover boy.”I said and rushed straight to where Nat was,leaving Janitor boy behind.

One question though,if he had been in school the whole time,why didn’t he attend his classes?
And what was he doing in the janitors closet?

One last very very important question,Why the hell did he help me out with the Ryder situation?

“what’s with the smile?”Nat asked immediately I got to her.
"Can't I be happy?" I asked.
I did not even notice i had been smiling.

"By the way can you imagine Ryder took me to the janitors closet and said he wanted me."

"That jerk!" she became angrier .Infact she was even more angry than I had been when he had said that.
"And you would not believe who came to my rescue." I added.
"let me guess, River??" nat said.
"How did you know?" I asked.
"You just confirmed it."she said.
"No like how did you guess it was him?"
"You guys like following each other around,so it is so obvious." she answered
"Maybe he likes following me but I don't like following him ."I defended
"See how you defended yourself so quickly? there is definitely something going on between you two"

"Other than pure hate I can't think of anything else"I retorted.
"Pure hate? I bet he's the reason you was smiling when you came here, right?"

"Nat ,would you start driving already ?"I said
"I knew! it you're changing the topic,So something is definitely up." she concluded.
I kept quiet and she started driving.
Nat dropped me off at my place and left.

I got in and went straight to my bedroom.
I took my shoes off and untied my hair. I was damn hungry so after removing my bag I went to the kitchen to get a snack.

Next chapter will be Ryders POV.
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Next update will be soon
love you all🤗❤️

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