The Long Road Trip To Camp

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You were putting your bags in the moving truck the school rented out to carry all of the student's things during the long trip to the camp. Mr.Aizawa didn't give much information, and the only thing he said was that the camping trip would last a few months and the camp is in a secluded area. The camp was a little way to give the 1-A and 1-B students a break from all of the chaos that has been happening lately.

You and your friends pile in to the bus and you end up sitting in the very back seat. You looked around a little and spotted a few people outside of the bus, still shoving things in to the moving truck. You hear someone sit in the seat next to you and you turn your head. It was Denki who had taken the seat next to you. He smiles sheepishly with a small blush and looks at you. "Uhh, hey! I, uhh, saw you sitting all alone and thought you'd need a friend!" He says, smiling a bit more. You smile softly at your sparky friend. "Thanks Pikachu." You said quietly before leaning your head on the window.

You then sigh softly and think to yourself. 'This is going to be a long few days...'


Hey Hey Hey! Thanks for reading, and sorry for the short chapter! I'm actually in school right now and the only reason this book exists is because I had a burst of inspiration.

Please just stay with me! I promise the story gets better!

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