The Long Road Trip To Camp: The Sequel

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You look out the window as you watch the bus start to move. The trip had started and you had Denki on your left and Sero next to him. You sigh quietly. 'This is nice. I have an ADHD lightning bolt next to me and Sero looks higher than giraffe balls right now. This is just great.' you think to yourself. You close your eyes for a moment to try and relax, but Denki taps you on the shoulder. You look at him with an eyebrow raised questioningly.

Denki was smiling a little and had a soft blush. "Umm, you look a little tired-" "because I am." You interrupted, then went silent to let him finish. "U-umm, do you want to lean on me instead of that cold window..?" He asked. You smile softly at his question and shift yourself a bit before leaning your head on his shoulder. "This is way better..." You mumble quietly.

Denki was internally freaking out and having a dance party at the same time. His thoughts raced as he tried to think of what to do. He then slowly snaked an arm around your waist and pulled you a little closer. You smile more and close your eyes, somewhat huddling up to him. "Your warm..." You mutter. Denki blushes a bit and chuckles. "Or maybe you're just cold..?" He says quietly. You giggle softly and gently wrap your arms around him. "Maybe I am..." You mumble before letting out a small yawn.

Sero pipes up from his spot in the seat. "What!? You guys are having a cuddle party without me!? How DARE you. I feel insulted." He says and you giggle softly. You let go of Denki and quickly migrate to the other side of him, now being in between the two boys. Sero instantly leans all over you and drapes his arms over your shoulders. "Much better." He mumbles.

You cringe a little at the strong smell of weed on Sero, but you tried to ignore it. Denki shuffles around a little before laying down in his spot and resting his head in your lap. "Woah, these are perfect pillows." He mumbles to himself, making you blush a little. You hear the click of a phone camera and look in front of you. All Might was fangirling at the front of the bus with his phone in hand. He then whisper-yells over to Midnight: "they're so adorable!!!"

You try to ignore All Might's fangirling and Sero's weed smell as you close your eyes. You eventually fall asleep and so does Denki. Sero, however, doesn't fall asleep. He had decided to stay awake and make sure you and Denki are safe.


Heyo! Hopefully somewhat of a longer chapter. Sorry if it's shit. School is a bitch. See ya in the next chapter~

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