Still On The Road

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(this one might be longer than the last few, I don't know)

You wake up after a few hours and look around a bit. It was dark out and almost everybody was asleep. The only people being you and a very tired Sero. You look down at Denki to see his face stuffed in your stomach. You ruffle his hair a little before looking up at Sero. "Sero, go to sleep. You look exhausted." You say to him softly. He shakes his head a little. "No... I'm gonna protect you..." His words sounded a little slurred. "Sero. Nothing bad will happen to me. Go to sleep. Your high and tired. You need sleep."

Sero eventually does as you tell him to and huddles up to you before passing out. You sigh and pull out your phone. You look around the bus before spotting your friend, Mina, wide awake. You text her.

Y/n: hey pinky. Look over here. In the back.

Mina looks at you and silently squeals with joy. She snaps a picture of you and the two boys. She then wakes Uraraka up and shows her the picture, earning a quiet and tired "awwww how cute" from the brunette.

Denki shifts and groans a little, looking like he was having a bad dream. You gently run your fingers through his hair and start humming softly. You could see a small smile sneak it's way on to his sleeping face, and you continue your actions.

Sero wakes up a little and wines. "Why can't I get attention..?" He asks. You giggle softly and pull him down a little. His head ends up resting on your chest and you reach your hand up to play with his hair. He smiles triumphantly and snuggles his head in to your chest before closing his eyes.

~•{Time Skip To Morning}•~

You were still wide awake, humming and smiling. Some other students start to wake up slowly, stretching and rubbing the sleep from their eyes. All Might pipes up from the front of the bus. "Rest Stop In Two Miles!" He shouts, witch wakes up the rest of the sleeping students.

You look around a little and spot Bakugo looking at the back seat, glaring at one of the three of you. Once he sees that you spotted him, he swiftly turns around. You giggle softly and text him.

Y/N: so, who were you trying to murder with your eyes this time?

BoomBoom❤️: None Of Your God Damn Business!

Y/N: oh.. sorry for waisting your time, then...

BoomBoom❤️: no, wait, you aren't waisting my time, I'm sorry. I was glaring at Pikachu.

Y/N: why?

BoomBoom❤️: jealousy.

Y/N: what? Jealousy? Why?

Five minutes pass

Y/N: Bakugo? Why are you jealous?

Nine minutes pass

Y/N: Bakugo please stop ignoring me.

Bakugo never responded to your texts, so you text Kirishima, who was next to him.

Y/N: yo sharky. What's up with Bakugo? He isin't responding to my texts.

SharkBoi: I do know but I can't tell you cuz he threatened to blow up my limited edition crimson riot poster when the camping trip was over if I told you.

Y/N: damn.

You sigh and give up trying to figure out why Bakugo stopped texting back. You lean on Sero a little and close your eyes. Then, Sero gets a text. He looks panicked for a second before gently pushing you off. You pout and go to lean on Denki. But, the electric boy pushes you away as well after he gets a text. Then Denki and Sero migrate to the complete opposite end of the seat, farthest from you.

You stare at the ground as thoughts swarmed your mind. Why are they acting like this so suddenly? Did I do something wrong? I did, didn't I... They hate me, don't they... They probably do... I should have just declined Denki's offer from the start... At least then I wouldn't be feeling like shit right now... You think to yourself as you struggle to keep yourself from crying.

Once the bus reaches the rest stop, you stand up quickly and walk out of the bus. Hou power walk to the girls restroom before closing yourself in a stall and breaking down into tears. Nobody else was in the bathroom, as all the other girls were too busy getting food, drinks, and gossipping. You then hear a knock on the outside of the restroom. One of the boys must have herd me... You thought as you sniffle a little and try to silence your sobs.

You then herd a familiar rough voice from outside the bathroom. "Oi, what's with the crying? Is it because dumb and dumber pushed you off? If that's it, stop crying. I told them to do it. I just don't like seeing you lean all over other people... I get... Jealous..." He mumbles the last part, kind of embarrassed.

You sniffle and walk out of the stall before shuffling out of the bathroom and looking at Bakugo. You weakly punch him in the chest before letting out a small sob. "I thought they hated me... But they were just scared of you... I cried my eyes out in a public bathroom... Because you got jealous..." You look him dead in the eyes, your (e/c) eyes all red from your crying. "Katsuki Bakugo... You made a girl cry because of your jealousy..."

Bakugo stands there, small tears threatening to spill from his eyes. "(Y/n)... I-I'm so sorry... I-I didn't mean to... I-" you push him out of the way and storm off, going to the vending machine to get something to eat to calm your emotions. Bakugo slowly makes his way to the boy's bathroom and shuts himself in a stall.

After a while, you walk back in to the bus, going straight to the back, avoiding everybody. You sit next to the window and look out to the rest stop. Almost everybody was out either getting food, drinks, or talking to each other.

You spot Bakugo walking out of the boy's bathroom after a while, wiping something from his eyes. He walks in to the bus and sits far away from you. You scoff and look in his direction. "Hey, Bakugo. C'mon, sit over here." You say, gesturing to the seat next to you.

Bakugo takes a moment, but stands up and makes his way to you slowly. He sits next to you, but doesn't look at you. You groan. "Look at me, asshole." You say, a little annoyed. He slowly looks at you and you see that his eyes were a little red. You sigh and hug him, surprising him a little. "I over reacted earlier... I'm sorry..." You mumble, resting your head on his chest. He slowly wraps his arms around you and rests his head on top of yours. "It's fine... You don't need to apologize... I started it..."

After about an hour, everybody was back in the bus and the bus starts moving. You and Bakugo were basically cuddling in the back seat, with Kirishima on the other side of the seat as a slightly jealous whiteness.

You look up at Bakugo a little with pleading eyes, and he reluctantly nods, knowing what you wanted. You smile brightly at him and look at Kirishima. You migrate to the other side of Bakugo before smiling at Kirishima. "Yo, sharky! Wanna join us?" You ask, still cuddling Bakugo. Kirishima nods and scoots over to the two of you before leaning on you and hugging you.

Bakugo grumbles a little before scoffing and closing his eyes. He pulls you a little closer to himself and Kirishima notices this. He scoots closer to you so he wasn't pulling you away from Bakugo, and rests his head on your shoulder.

You close your eyes and start drifting to sleep, feeling calm and safe in the warm embrace of the two boys.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: May 11, 2021 ⏰

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