Clan/Powers Explanation

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Important A/N:
So I feel the need to put this up in order to explain the "powers" of the Addamses and Harknesses. I honestly almost gave myself a headache trying to mix the biological aspect of dominant and recessive traits and still keep the "spiritual/paranormal" aspect of the Addams and Harkness power. I think I finally got it figured out as far as being passed along biologically (how one power can be stronger when exposed to either the X or Y chromosome and how the traits are expressed similarly to hair color or height at a very simplified level) and have the paranormal expressed through the old adage "Mind over Matter"

To begin the the Harkness clan has always been and always will be matriarchal, their special power "smoke" which has the ability to do as much as the user can imagine without breaking the laws of physics has always been passed down from mother to daughter as long as they always acknowledged and consider themselves as "Harkness Women." If they give up the Harkness name and no longer consider themselves as Harknesses, even partially, their powers will whither and die off (mind over matter.) This has created a clan where women either hyphenate their names or their husbands take the Harkness name. The powers are mentally based and thus expresses itself through the M chromosome and tends to be bolstered when exposed to XX. However male children also can express the "smoke" power, but due to it being the XY chromosome rather than XX their "smoke" power tends to be much more weakened. Male children also tend not to pass on the Harkness name or powers, either passing on solely the surname of their fathers or taking their wife's name. Usually when male Harkness children have their own children, the power "smoke" is not passed on, rather the children have other mental powers, such as telepathy or telekinesis, or are powerless.

The Addams family, as opposed to the Harkness family, tends to be carriers of the physical power chromosome. Expressed as a P, the chromosome causes physical powers, such as peak physical conditions or the ability to create things with their bodies such as acidic spit or control their hair as a muscle. Typically the P chromosome expresses more strongly when exposed to the Y chromosome, however the lack of a Y chromosome does not keep it from appearing in the female sex. The Addams clan does not put preferential treatment on male heirs over female, but rather go off of strength of their powers and birth order. The only requirement of an heiress is her husband must take the Addams name. Unlike the Harkness clan which carries a specific mental power, the Addams clan does not. This does not mean that the Addams clan is unimportant, they tend to have some of the strongest physical power holders and are rather wealthy.

Finally there are those with no powers as all. This is expressed by the chromosome N. When the P or M chromosome is paired with the N chromosome, this negates the physical or mental powers the child may have had. If the M or P chromosomes do manage to express themselves naturally, the powers created tend to be very weak. However, when a person carrying a NP or NM gene is exposed to severe stress, such as abuse or scientific experimentation, is can cause the M or P chromosome to express as if the N chromosome is not present. This creates a strong power at a high cost. It looks as though Eleven and her "siblings," are the result of this stressed expression.

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