She Likes Who? - Chapter 10

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( Aurora POV )
I couldn't tell her, it just started happening and maybe it's just a small schoolgirl crush or

" I think.. she already knows " Noel told me and i turned around to see Lorelai looking dead at me and i froze.

I did the next best cowardly thing- ran. I ignored them calling my name and ran out to my car, luckily it's push start - i quickly sped off and left my phone there.
( Lorelai POV )
" Aurora wait! " I yelled to her and she just left, i was about to run after her when the car sped off.

" Now might not be a good time but is she a good kisser? " Noel asked me and i rolled my eyes walking away.

" What? "

" Go suck something, ain't nobody ask you " I told him and pulled out my phone tracking her.

" So since you kissed.. are you? "

" Let me tell you, i don't know might be.. my confusion is making my brain hurt. "

" confusion? "

" I'm attracted to men but the sexual things in my head only seem right with women "

" Oh.. I don't know then "

" Yeah, though i kind of lean towards girls more.. but why couldn't she tell me.. "

" She was scared and you have been best friends for years, i see where she's coming from. "

" Right.. she turned off her car gps so now what? "

" Your asking me and your the top everything? Assassin-hacker-racer-street fighter and should i continue? "

" No, i get it but your the top one too. " I told him and grabbed my keys leaving out the door. I finally found a signal on her necklace gps luckily and she was at a damn bar.
Once i pulled up to the bar i saw Aurora sitting at the bar drinking a shot.

" I don't th-thinks she wanna- no want to be m-my f-friendsssss any-m-more. " I heard her say drunkly as i walked up to her.

She was venting to the bartender and all i want to know is how the hell did she get drunk so fast- she doesn't even drink.

" I am so sorry for my friend.. " I told the bartender and he waved it off before speaking.

" Are you Lorelai? "

" Why? "

" It sounds to me like this girl really likes you " he said and i helped her up slowly walking away.

" A-are you mad at meeeeeee? " she said with a pout and i just ignored her.

I put her in my car and called for someone to come get hers since she couldn't drive it.

When we got home there was a passed out Aurora and i tried to wake her up but she wanted to be difficult so i carried her.

She isn't heavy to me, the most i can carry is probably 200 something pounds but anywho. As i walked in the house Noah gave me a curious look " sis decided to get drunk " I told him and walked upstairs to my room since it was closer.

I placed two aspirins, water, and a trash can beside the bed for when she needs it and took off her jacket. I went back in the living room with Noel to watch tv.

" Is she okay? "

" I hope so.. when i got there she was venting to the bartender. "

" Wow.. "

" Right, i didn't expect that.. what are we watching? "

" Vampire Diaries "

" Oh.. team Stelena or Delena? "

" Stelena ! "

" Nope, Delena.. i swear I've wanted them together since the start. " I said excitedly.

" well you got your wish but I'm sticking with my answer. " he said playfully glaring at me and we just sat in silence watching it.
( Aurora POV )
I woke up and let me say- my damn head is pounding.

I groaned slowly sitting up and looked to the side to see aspirin and water which i took.. oh!

I remember getting drunk and Lorelai came to pick me up- i looked down at the blanket and noticed i was in her room.

I looked up and she was standing up leaning against the wall already looking at me.

" Don't ever pull that shit again Aurora! " she said using my full name- that's how you know she's mad.

" I'm sorry.. " I told her putting my head down.

" it's okay, but why didn't you tell me? "

" Humiliation.. doubt.. I couldn't tell you and besides it barely happened. I didn't want to be judged either and i didn't have the guts. "

" Understandable, and i wouldn't judge- nothing you say or do could ever stop me from being your friend. Don't run off like that again, you scared me. " she said and came to hug me which i returned then Noel bursted in.

" Shit- sorry.. am i interrupting something? " he asked but you could hear the smirk.

" N- " I started to say no but got cut off by Lorelai

" Yes the fuck you are.. your ruining a special moment dumb ass and you know that. "

" I'm hurt and broken, i need a hug too " he said faking sadness

" Come here bestie " Lorelai said holding out her arms and he came fast.

" Yayy threesome! " he said playfully and i punched him in the arm.

" You are one weird ass person. " I said and they laughed.

( Lorelai POV )
After the hug session we went to go get the kids  since it was getting late.

When we got back we saw police there which made us look at each other curiously.

We parked the car and got out slowly- bitch it's racism shit so I'm not about to die but then again.. the police officers and a lady came towards me.

" Lorelai Grey? "

" Yeah, that's me.. whats going on? " I asked and what they said next made me hate my so called family.

" We got an anonymous tip that you were living without an adult.. you being 16, legally you have to live with your father and brothers since your underage. "

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