Waiting - Chapter 32

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( Third Person POV )

They pulled up to the hospital and quickly got out.

The nurses and doctors ran to to them and put lorelai on a gurney.

Quickly Aurora and the others pulled up.

They all went inside and were so worried that they forgot about themselves.

The nurses rushed to them due to Giovanni's orders and took them to a room to see if they were okay.

( 3 hours later )

Everybody was still there- except the grandparents, Kylie and the kids.

They were worried- especially if the doctor hadn't came to them with updates yet.

They found out that the Russian leader was dead which made them feel like a small weight was lifted.

Giovanni went in his sons room and they were talking to Aurora and Noel.

"I've seen you two a few times " he said which caught their attention.

They quickly stood up.

" Aurora " she said holding out her hand. He shook it and Noel said his name also shaking his hand.

" Did they say anything yet? " Aurora asked worriedly.

" No.. " he said coldly.

Then it was a silent and tense room.

A doctor came in a few minutes later and went to check the boys and spoke.

" She's not awake but you can go see her.. I'll also update you "

" Okay what room? "

" I'll take you " she said writing something down on her clip board.

Aurora, Noel and Giovanni followed the doctor down the hall- many thoughts going through their mind.

They stopped at a room and walked in.

She looked pale and was connected to so many things.

" We had to put a tube down her throat due to her lungs.

When she was stabbed it went deep into her stomach which was close to hitting something major.

She has a bad concussion which may result into her balance and memory being a little off.

She did lose a lot of blood- if anyone would like to donate it will really help. " the doctor said looking at them.

They nodded and she said she'd be back.

They walked closer to lorelai and just looked at her.

" Can I be alone with her real quick? " Giovanni asked them and they nodded before leaving.

" you're going to be okay.. " he said softly.

" this is my fault, I couldn't protect you, I got to you too late- this whole feud with the Russians was my fault. " he paused.

" If I would've just did what they wanted life would've been so different- they wouldn't have threatened you.. I wouldn't have carelessly given you away "

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