Attack - Chapter 24

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( Third Person POV )

" How did they know?! " Elias asked Giovanni angrily but the anger wasn't directed to him.

" exactly what i want to know " Giovanni said clenching his jaw in anger.

" how did they even know about her- " Oliver asked by the door worriedly.

Lorelai rose up out of nowhere coughing which caught their attention. Elias went to pat her back and she was still majorly coughing. They saw red dripping down her mouth and were on alert.

" get out "  she said slowly but realized this wasn't her bed.

" wait- " she said looking around feeling confused.

" w-where- " she started and cut herself off. Giovanni grabbed the towel and wiped her mouth. She took the towel from him and wiped her hands off.

" Are you okay? " Giovanni asked her and she just looked at him. Truth be told she wasn't okay- she felt so much pain.

She nodded slowly and looked around again. She looked at the dresser and saw a family picture.

" can i see that picture "  she asked nobody in particular and Elias gave it to her.

( Lorelai POV )

I looked at the picture and they all seemed to be happy. This seemed to be a few years ago, they looked like they were on vacation.

" you all looked so happy " I said sarcastically and put the picture on the bed.

" shit " I said under my breath and groaned. I laid back down and closed my eyes feeling their stares.

" anyway.. i'm going to my room and don't bother me " I said sarcastically and stood up to leave and took the picture with me. I went to my room and the girls were there sleeping- i sat in the desk and just watched them.

I know it sounds creepy- but it's in a motherly way. I figured out what it was- the sickness. They would give it to me to weaken me and that only meant one thing- like it said in the message. they're coming..

I took a deep breath before pulling out my phone and FaceTimed Aurora. After a few rings she answered and it was talking in the background.

" Hello "

" Lorelai, you're calling late "

" yeah.. sorry "

" it's okay but what are you up to "

" they drugged me, i think it was from that envelope i got "

" What envelope? " she asked looking at the phone.

" where are you? " I asked avoiding the question.

" somewhere with this annoying ass girl who happens to be my partner "

" let me say hi "

" no, i don't like the bitch "

" oh I'm the bitch? " I heard who I'm assuming is her partner speak. She moved the camera towards her right and a girl appeared.

" hi " she said smiling.

" you're not a bitch at all " I said laughing and Aurora put herself back on the phone glaring at me.

" well i'll let you get back to your partner "

" no, if you loved me you'd stay on the phone "

" love is a strong word.. " I said sarcastically.

" what's Camila doing? "

" she's with Noel "

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