Chapter 2

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" Aw, you wanna change?" Suna-san asks. I nod. I am not planning to be in these clothes any longer. I don't think I can escape them, I am going to try to settle in with this. "You can wear mine. 

"Nah, she can wear mines," Atsumu-san said. 

"Hm? How about she wears mine?"  Osamu-san says. 

"Wait, wait wait! Why don't we give her the spare clothes in the attic?" Kita-san asks. 

"But, those belong to...," Suna-san says softly. 

"I know it belongs to Isamu, but we have to move on...," Atsumu-san says. I was so confused. 

"Oh, right! Ki-chan! That is our friend's name, who died last year," Osamu-san says. I nod at their answer. I feel bad. What the heck am I saying! These people turned me into a cat and kidnapped me. I slapped my face with both hands. 

"Are you ok?" Kita-san asks, surprised by my behavior. I nodded and went, walking to the attic. the 4 psychos followed me.  

"Me change, stay here," I said, going up the attic. They didn't use that weird voice to talk to me. They just nodded. I think bringing up that Isamu dude kinda hurt them. I feel bad for people easily and I am just realizing that.

I went up and found a hoodie I liked. He really did have a good taste in clothes. I wore one of his hoodies and looked at myself in a mirror. This probably would of went up to my thigh, since they shrunk me, it sent down 3 inches down my knee. The sleeves were way too long. I am not complaining or anything. 

To be honest, I am fine with this. I put the hood on and climbed down the attic. I walked downstairs and saw them watching TV.  They looked very depressed. Why do I feel bad for them? 

This is stupid of me! I walked up and curled up on their laps. This was so embarrassing. I closed my eyes, I didn't want to see their expression for doing this. At the same time I wanted to see their expressions, like adore me, surprised, annoyed, cringed, confused. I slowly opened one eye. 

None of my predictions were right. They had a weird face on that they made when I first met them. The one Onii-chan said people made when they call you names you are uncomfortable. 

Atsumu-san starts slowly puts his hands inside the back of the hoodie. Suna-san starts to lick my ears. Kita-san starts to go in the front of my hoodie and puts his face in and starts to lick it. It kinda tickled. Osamu-san starts to kiss my lips and explore my mouth. That was my first kiss!! I never knew it would be taken by psychos. 

I can't even think now. I feel weak while they do this. My tail went up and down and I started to moan softly. This made them want to go harder and do it more. I can't take this anymore. I jumped off their laps and hid under a blanket. 

"Come here, Ki-chan, we weren't actually going to rape you," Kita-san says. I was so confused. 

"Did you forget fact #49, Ki-chan doesn't know what rape means," Osamu-san says. 

"Two questions," I said. 

"Ask away," Atsumu-san says. 

"What rape and how much fact you know me," I asked. 

"We know everything about you, about 189,430,242 facts. " Suna-san says. That is a lot. Then, Osamu-san starts to explain what rape was and what happens sometimes to females after doing that. That made me blush so much and I was seriously traumatized. I think my mind is going to explode. 

"What  Kita meant when we weren't going to rape you is that we weren't going to rape you.......yet~," Atsumu-san says. I went all the way inside the blanket now. My innocent mind has been ruined. That is when I remembered something. 

~Obsession~ Atsumu x Osamu x OC x Suna x Kita |Yandere| OC 15+Where stories live. Discover now