Chpater uno

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(skip to most recent chapter for better content)

Matthew was on the set of glee, tired and worn out from a long hard day of preying on unsuspecting minors- then his eyes set on you...

You're beautiful hair and big doe eyes look up at him he speaks "y/n, ur so sexy and beautiful, are you under 18?!"

You reply "yes... is that a problem?"

He smiles big and paedophilic
"Absolutely not I love children"

You return the smile just as wide, you've finally met the perfect man for you, he may be over 25 years older than you but his sexy dancing and groin thrusting lured you in right from the beginning.

He gently takes ur hand, his huge 1.83 m stance towers over you with sexy domination, he leads you off the main set and to a quiet secluded corner......

(End chapter 1)

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