Part tres

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Searlait's smooshy fucked up skull shards lie despondently upon the floor, isolated desolate and alone, her body a void of life and vacant of consciousness

Matthew looks at you his eyes practically stars they're glowing so bright, "y/n that was so sexy!!!"

"I didn't know you had it in you y/n but I've been trying to rid myself of shlottys presence for weeks, I can't believe you've done it and so easily and simply!"

You smile but the reality of the situation begins to dawn on you "oh god, I just killed her"

Matthew laughs a chesty roar, " oh y/n you silly hugglemuffin, she's not actually dead"

You stare at him baffled and confused, what the hell is he talking about....

"Y/n you're dreaming, it's time to wake up"

You gasp softly as you bolt upright from your pillow, "no, no, no, no?!!?"
"This can't be real, what about matthew?!"

You look up slowly, staring at the Matthew Morrison cardboard cutout at the foot of your bed, his naked chest covered in beautiful curly hair, his everlasting smirk stares back at you as you begin to slowly sob....

"It wasn't real" you mumble slowly
The fury slowly rising in ur chest
"It wasn't fucking real"

Ur mother opens ur bedroom door her eyes empty and broken for her daughter has been in a coma for several years
Her eyes go wide at the sight of you sitting up in bed
She lets out a massive scream of joy and hugs you incredible strongly

Oh y/n it's been so long I've missed you so much they were giving up on you but I never did I would never give up on u"

You smile the fury fading from your bones and look into your mothers eyes, "I guess seeing as I've been asleep so long matthew Morrison's a massive dilf now haha, maybe even a silver fox!!"

Your mother smile drops suddenly
Her hand covering her mouth as she slowly edges away from you
"Oh y/n, I have something awful to tell you I'm so sorry baby I'm so sorry love"

"What do you mean?!" You reply

"Matthew Morrison died yesterday y/n...."

A bloodcurdling roar erupts from your throat " WHAT"
Your mother cowers in the corner tears streaming down her face and shaking pathetically.

You scream one again and the windows shatter,
"if Matthew Morrison can't have life, no one can "

And with that you press ur super secret nuke button and watch the world burn around you, you'll be with Matthew soon....

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