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H-hey reader
you guys asked (no one asked) matthew x reader smut!!

matthews humongous shlong tented his jeans like a diabetics stomach in a form fitting shirt, it pushed againsnt the zipper slowly causing the zip to sip furthur and furthur down until his large length was freed

like an untamed beast it thrashed in the air, not quite use to the cold breeze from the open window, and then settled heavy against his stomach

you gasp, cough, hiccup and piss urself at the sight of it

he struts forwards grasping it in one hand, pointing it at you like a threatening weapon

he's salivating at the mouth
sweating profoundly
his eyes alight with madness and excitement

he reaches where you're stood
his toes tap against ur piss puddle splashing ur leg
he's smiling 
he rubs the tip against ur exposed flesh
hot and sticky liquid splashes onto you

mathews 6'6 frame looms over you like the weight of all ur sins
you feel urself begin to sweat at just his piercing glare
the tension and energy between you is thrilling
you take a step towards him, a gamble for sure but you need to be close to the heat of him

you lower yourself to the ground
as your knees press into the damp carpet you slowly trail ur eyes up his body
you're face to face with the beast itself
rising and falling with each of matthews breaths
as if it's  trying to seduce you

you flick ur eyes back to matthews
his peakers are trained on you, your every move
you inch forwards with ur mouth
lining up with the head of the beast
gently you poke it with your tongue
it practically roars at the touch

eager to please matthew, you take it all
it presses heavy against ur stomach lining
you can't get a single breath
trapped on his meat stick
seconds pass like hours, your eyes are leaking uncontrollably
matthews is above you laughing
every slight motion of his body makes his length rub against ur insides
your choking
but matthews won't let you off till he's satisfied

he cums like a supersoaker, spraying you white from inside out

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 20, 2022 ⏰

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