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Jeff's POV

I made my way to a little blue house that was lit completely with Christmas lights. white ones, that looked like icicles, the sun was due to rise in a few hours, that was just enough time to mess everything up for a few people with a few days left till Christmas, cut there lights, kill there pets, Stab there inflatables. Fucked up shit like that. I enjoy being the grinch. Tears bring me joy.

I headed inside, I slid through an unlocked window. I was feeling slightly generous, so I went easy on them. I butchered there lights, tore up there presents, and then I came close to butchering there stupid looking parrot, just before I could, a child screamed behind me and I had to flee.

I moved on to a house a few blocks down, this one left there back door unlocked. I found that this would be too easy, who leaves there back door open in this neighbourhood? People with attack dogs and amazing security systems, That's who. I found that sliding in the back door without tripping anything was the easy part. But getting passed the large male sleeping pit bull on the kitchen floor was going to be the hard part.

The tv was left on in the living room, the tree was lit with lights of blue and white and some tacky over priced brand new bobbles that lacked originality or tradition, not even an angel on the top just some blue star that looks like it would be worth a lot more then you think. Something that konna would enjoy. At this point I would have just left and cut my losses, but that star drew my interest too much. I needed it.

If the damned dog wasn't laying in the doorway this would be easy. I somehow managed to step over it as it slept. The name on the food bowl read "butch." Heh, Classic. The owners even got it the spiked black leather collar that you would expect a attack dog to have.

This seemed like the perfect cookie cutter family. Like nothing bad could ever happen to them. The presents already reached halfway into the livingroom and "Santa" hasn't even come yet. Spoiled children. I bet loosing there tree topper would ruin there whole stupid holiday. If you haven't guessed by now. I hate Christmas. Not that I would ever tell Konna that. But still.. You get it.

I walked over to the tree and started lifting presents casually moving the heavier ones to the side. The heavy and small ones are always the good stuff. Maybe I wouldn't have to buy Konna a present, maybe I could just steal her one. Pre-wrapped and ready to go. I stepped up on there overly soft rich ass looking couch and got up on the arm rest, and carefully started untangling the star from the top of the tree.

I moved my arm the wrong way and I knocked a bobble off the tree. I quickly caught it and hung it back up then glanced at butch. Still asleep. I followed the cord with my hand and unplugged it from the rest of the tree, I wrapped the cord around it and carefully placed it on the couch, now I just needed new present tags and a bag to Cary all this crap in.

I carefully climbed down and headed into every room before coming to a closet, I carefully opened it and found a backpack, I quietly headed back into the living room, after I was done packing up the backpack and slung it over both shoulders, I glanced toward the kitchen and I froze. Butch was gone.

That's when I heard a low growl behind me, I quickly reached in my pocket and turned around to see butch, tail and fur up, teeth showing like I was a 5 pound steak. I took my knife out and stood off with him slowly backing away. As I did he held his ground, and just as I thought I was home free he started to bark, and then a light came on in the hall. "Stupid mut." I growled in anger as I tried to flee. Just as I made it to the window, and I was half a leg out, "FREEZE" a man called behind me. I turned to him with my wicked smile, I saw horror grow on the perfect mans face as did. He was holding a two round shot gun.. "Why doesn't anyone like my face?"

I muttered as I pulled my leg back through the window and turned back toward him. "why, doesn't ANYONE. Think I'm beautiful." I chuckled, any sane part of me would be half way home by now. But.... He didn't like, My face.. I slowly walked toward him as he pulled back the hammer. I laughed "you really don't want to do that my friend." I said darkly as I grabbed the barrel of the shotgun. His hands were visibly shaking. His dog lunged at me and with a quick hand manouver there was a yelp and then the sound of his body hitting the floor.

I looked the man dead in the eye. "Stay down, butch." The man fired the gun and plowed me right through the left side of my chest, the force throwing me back a foot or two, yanking the gun with me as a scream could be heard from the wife in the bedroom, I broke eye contact with the man and looked down at the blood pooling on my sweater, I looked back up at him and as I felt the blood pooling in my mouth all I said was "Ow." Before tossing the shotgun asside, and rushing him with my knife.

As the man stared at me in horror as he went down I weakly muttered "just. Go to sleep." Before glancing at his wife and there two kids and heading for the door.

I was bleeding a lot more then expected as I spit out some blood into the snow and headed back toward the cabin, my vision was blurring and I could barely stand, as the lake came into view I could feel my body growing cold, I glanced back to see that I was leaving a trail so I quickly went in another direction, I couldn't lead the cops home.

I headed deep into the forest, a part of the forest I've never been to before, and then that was it. I stumbled , and fell, and I couldn't get up, and just as I saw a figure come into blurry focus, the world around me went black.


hello my lovelys ^^" I'm terribly sorry I haven't updated, I was hoping to finish this by New Years but I got completely caught up in school, please forgive me 😭😭😭 I hope you like the new chapter and expect to see more updates coming soon :) read on and prosper 💕

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