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Konnas P.O.V.

I opened my eyes and looked over, at first i couldn't believe what I was seeing. It was Marry?

"Mary?" I asked in disbelief. She walked over and punched me in the arm sending a pain down it. I gasped and reached for it to sooth the pain.

"YOU BITCH! YOU LET ME THINK YOU WERE DEAD!" She yelled. I opened my mouth to protest but she wrapped her arms around me and hugged me tightly. Mary was kind of a tom boy, she was never really one for gender roles or caring about her appearance or what people think of her, Her clothing taste was similar to mine except she has long black hair with straight Bangs and round thin framed glasses. I was still in shock that the girl is been speaking to for years was standing here hugging me. I never believed we'd meet in person.

I wrapped my arms around her tightly and hugged her back. I couldn't believe she'd actually come all the way here to see me and I let her think I was dead, guilt washed over me and I started to cry.  I whispered so many sorrys into her shoulder, and she cut me off then looked at me.

"Konna, life becomes easier when you accept the apologies you never got" I smiled at her. Mary had already decided she'd forgiven me before she got here. Of course she did. "Bro, what are you doing out here? It's like 110 degrees" she continued. I laughed at her.

"Actually it's about 40" I replied with a smirk.

"Fuck your Canadian system." She said with an eye roll. I chuckled.

"Jeff's mad at me so I figured I would spend some time out here alone, but you showed up." Her eyes widened, what did I say wrong?

"Mary? Are you okay?" She just stared at me.

"Jeff, as in, Jeff the killer?" I nodded. I explained everything to her. My faked death, my trip to the hospital, Everything. Afterward I brought her back home.  The bedroom door was still closed, which meant that Jeff was still mad. I signaled for her to be quiet and she nodded as a response. She sat on the couch and put her bag on the floor. I made us some coffee and I sat down with her. we started talking quietly when a faint scratching could be heard from the spare bedroom door.

"Is that Jazz?" Mary asked. I shook my head and put my cup down on the coffee table. I walked over to the bedroom door and opened it enough for smile to get out and closed it again. He walked up and sat right in front of Mary staring at her. She looked at him weirdly.

"you have got to be kidding me." Mary said in disbelief. I was confused.

"what? I asked her. She turned her attention to me and made eye contact.

"is this smile dog?" She asked. I stared at her and a feeling of dread began to fill me. Don't tell me he was also a creepypasta.

"That's what Jeff called him, I just call him smile though."  I explained. She reached out cautiously.

"As in smile .jpg?" She asked without looking away from the dog. I shrugged. I had no clue what that was. She pet his head. 

A moment later Jeff walked out of the room in his boxers. He was half asleep and walked right past Mary and I and didn't even notice her. Mary's eyes widened. She rolled onto the floor and under the table then made a break for the bathroom to hide. I followed Jeff around the island separating the livingroom from the kitchen.  He leaned against the counter and grabbed a beer out of the fridge chugging it back. He tossed the can at the garbage and missed then looked at me. I was soaked through in sweat.

"You were outside in just that?" He asked giving me a once over. I avoided his question.

"Why are you mad at me?" I asked, he looked away.

"Konna.. Slenderman has a pull on kids. Hell, he has a pull on everyone. I had to fight him off of you. I tried to stop you but you wouldn't listen to me. He cut me up bad." my eyes widened and I went into panic mode.

"Where? where did he hurt you?" I practically screamed. Jeff sighed and turned around. Revealing the deep gashes all down his back. I bit my tongue to keep from tears and whispered Jeff's name. He looked at me over his shoulder. 

The AC in the room suddenly felt like it dropped to 10 below, the air began to give me the chills through my soaked clothing. He turned around and gave me a once over. After studying me for a moment he slid my top off to get the wetness off of me and pulled me against him then began rubbing my back to warm me up. I nuzzled my face into his chest. He kissed the top of my head then lightly pushed me against the island. He slid his hand up my arm and lifted my chin with his finger. Our eyes met momentarily then he kissed me.

"Are you still cold?" He muttered against my lips. I bit mine and nodded.

"Warm me up." I whispered back. He shoved everything behind me out of the way with his arm then hoisted me up on the island.

He slid his hands up my sides then back down to my hips, he kissed my chest down my stomach which caused a full shiver to creep up my spine. Jeff pulled me to the edge of the counter and kissed me. I kissed back heavily. Some things he moved out of the way slid a little too far at that point and crashed to the floor. I wanted him so bad right now but there was something more important. I pulled away and leaned my forehead against his keeping my eyes closed.

"Jeff.." I began, panting. He was breathing just as hard.

"y-yeah?" He uttered, begging to close the gap between us again. I bowed my head and sighed, then I said what I had to quickly.

"MyBestFriendMaryIsInTheBathroom." I sputtered as I slammed my eyes shut harder and stiffened my body. He didn't move but I felt his grip tightened on my hips. I loosened slightly and let out a silent moaned then rested my forehead on his shoulder.

Without a word he let go of me and walked back in our room. I turned to look at the door my eyebrows threaded together in confusion on his next move. A few second later without looking at me he walked out of the bedroom in his T-shirt and Jeans and immediately walked out the back door, slamming it behind him.

For a moment everything in the house was quiet as my lip began to tremble. Then I brought my hands up to my face and started to cry. Mary opened the bathroom door slightly and checked that the coast was clear before coming over to hug me.

"He'll get over it, or he'll kill me. its fine." She joked. I cracked a smiled and let out a small chuckle. "How bout you go take a shower and put on some dry clothes and I'll clean up in here." She offered.

I nodded and slid off the counter top. I picked up my soaked tank top off the floor and brought it into the bathroom with me before jumping in the shower. I let the water run over my skin, the little pellets felt like stones as the hit the giant hand shape bruises on my skin almost to the point where it was unbearable. I decided to opt out and just run myself a bath.

I laid down in the water and began to relax. Ducking my head under to clean my hair every so often. Once the water began to run cold I climbed out of the bath and dried my hair with a towel. Then wrapped it around my body and exited the bathroom.

"Has he come back yet?" I asked Mary whom was now sitting on the couch. She shook her head and gave me a sympathetic look. I sighed.

"You can just crash on the couch for now okay? I'm gonna go to bed." I said defeated. She nodded, I went in the bedroom and whistled for smile to join me. He trotted into the bedroom after me and I slid on some shorts and a tank then crawled into bed. I patted it on the side that Jeff normally slept on and Smiled jumped up and laid down.

I sighed and cuddled up to the dog who nuzzled into my neck much like Jazz used to. It seems ironic that I somehow always sleep with a smile Even when I'm sad.

Jeff the killer love story 2: Revenge    [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now