Jeff.. I love you

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Jeff's POV

After some time I peeled myself off of the basement stares of that bar sluts apartment and began my truck home. I felt disoriented, out of place. Like my reality was contorting more then it had already been twisted. I was confused and unsettled but at least the feeling was satisfied for the moment.

There was only one thing I was sure of and that was that I needed to get to Konna. She seems to be the only thing that made sense to my brain right now. I could hear sirens in the distance approaching my direction at a rapid speed.

"Shit." I muttered under my breath. I threw up my hood and ducked into an ally. I could hear cruisers getting close to my position and then the sounds of sirens and the flashing lights went silent. However I could still hear the sounds of their engines revving as they circled the neighborhood.

The nose of a cruiser appeared at one end of the ally. Fantastic. I quickly assessed my surroundings. I then jumped on a trashcan in the ally and dove over the fence it was leaning against into a dark back yard.

I pressed myself against the inside of the fence as the cruiser slowly drove by. As if I didn't have enough to worry about at the moment, Now I had to make it to the forest without being seen.

I took a deep breath and waited a few extra seconds before carefully continuing my journey home. I made it to the ally that also acted as the drive way for the condemned apartment building and I assumed at that point I was home free.

I busted out of the ally and began to sprint across the street when suddenly I heard the sound of a gun cock and a man yell.

"freeze!" The sound made my spine tingle. I immediately froze in place. Shit.
"Hands behind your head!" He screamed. I obliged and slowly raised my hands then linked them together behind my head.
"Turn around, slowly." The man commanded. I took a second to contemplate my next move. I really didn't have time for this. I could make him shoot and dodge to the left. Pull out my blade and rush him in the gut. That would buy me enough time to get away. I could take off toward Slenders mansion. Yes,That could work. In fact it was the only thing I could think of that would work right now.
"I said turn around! Last warning!" The voice called again.

I took a deep breath and slowly turned around only when I did. The street was empty. There were no cars or people in sight. I quickly pulled out my knife and did a 360. There was absolutely no one. That was impossible. I was hearing someone, wasn't I?

I was hearing things, right?. I was seeing things? What's wrong with me? Was someone messing with me? I quickly moved back into the forest and started heading for the cabin. I kept periodically looking over my shoulder as I made my way to the lake. A small rush of relief ran through me when I saw the lights of the cabin faintly on the other side of the lake.

I began my trek for the home stretch. I was almost there. I was so close. If I couldn't tell the difference between what was real or fake maybe Konna could do it for me. I just needed to get back to her.

I opened the back door of the cabin to find Masky sitting on the chair beside the couch with Mary who was laying on it. I furrowed my brows at them but refused to question it. I stepped into the bedroom and closed then locked the door behind myself. I took a deep breath then turned around to find Konna sitting on the edge of the bed.

She began to speak what ever apology she was going to try and feed me, I didn't wanna hear it. After the night that I'd had I just wanted to hold her, to make body contact with something I knew was real. I was scared, and couldn't tell the difference between fiction and reality.

I simply stood there staring at her while she was talking. I tried to listen all the way through but I couldn't take it. I rushed her and pushed her down into the bed then rolled over and pulled her ontop of me.

She immediately shut up and embraced me. I grabbed her by her hips and then I squeezed slightly which I knew drove her crazy, she winced. I had forgot abut the stab wound, I muttered an airy apology then kissed her neck softly while I inhaled her cherry scent.

"what's wrong?" She asked me while she pet my hair as she straddled my lap. I crossed my arms together around her upper waist, pulling her as close to me as I could. I knew I could trust her but I couldn't trust myself. I didn't respond, I just listened to the sound of her heart beat. She pulled away and cupped my face in her hands. "Jeff?" She asked once more.

"I can't tell the difference between what's real and what's not." I replied softly. "I thought, I thought that I had killed you earlier."

Konna's eyebrows furrowed. "How do you mean?" She asked with confusion in her tone. I took a deep breath and began to explain to her the events that had unfolded and lead me back to her tonight. Her expression didn't change, in fact it looked as thought it had intensified.

I asked her. She looked away momentarily. "Konna tell me." I pried. She buried her face into my neck and I could feel wetness, Almost like tears. She opened her mouth to speak but stopped we sat in silence for a moment before I heard her mutter the words

"I'm scared." I bit my tongue and held her tighter.

"Konna.. You don't have to be scared as long as your with me. I'd die to keep you safe." I admitted to her. I was feeling extremely vulnerable tonight after everything that had happened. She pulled away and looked at me, Finally actually letting me see her cry. I reached up and wiped one of her tears away.

"Jeff..." She began as she sat up fully in my lap placing her hands on my chest. I nodded looking her in the eye. "I love you.." She whispered.

I froze for a moment. No one had told me they loved me since Liu. I sat up and grabbed her by the sides of the face and kissed her, it was a long kiss. I pulled away "I...l-love.. You too." Those words were so hard for me to say.. But I ment them.. Konnas become my rock. She grounded me, that feeling couldn't even compete with what I felt for her. I need her.. If I ever lost her I don't know what I would do..

A little while after the events that happened in our bed she fell asleep, I ran my fingers through her hair, she was so warm, I put a pillow over my face so I could try and get some sleep.  Just  then I heard "jeff... I love you." In a mocking tone coming from my closet. 

I reached for my knife which was always within arms reach and moved the pillow to see jane standing in the corner of the room I wrapped my free arm more protectively around konna.

She laughed at me "relax Jeffery, I'm not here for your girl. Not yet." She said with a smirk. I growled from my throat at her. As she walked toward me. I held my knife out at her, she stopped. "Leave. Before I slit your throat and pull your intestines out of your neck then wrap them around your hips." She just smirked at me. She went to speak but suddenly smile woke up and came out of the closet growling, his eyes were practically glowing. Jane looked at smile with wide eyes as she backed back toward the window. Suddenly smile pounced at her. She screamed and jumped out and smile went after her. I carefully got up and locked the window. Smile can take care of himself.

In the morning I woke to Konna practically ontop of me, she was smiling ans she kissed just under my chin. I didn't realize it until I pulled her into my arms but my knife was still in my hand. I dropped it. She smiled and kissed my nose. "I'm gonna go make us some breakfast ok?" I nodded, she got up to get dressed as she was about to leave the room I grabbed her. She turned to look at me, I pulled her close and kissed her. "Now you can go." She blushed and then left the room.

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