4. Meet Queen: the come up

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First things first I'm the realist. Second off my real name is Qali. Its pronounced Cali.

Now that we got that out the way, that's me and my folks up  in the picture. I live in Cali and I am now 20 years old. My dad name is Samaad and my mom name is Sarabi. My mom is Arabian but my dad is Trinidadian, so therefore I'm mixed. Guess y'all can kind of figure out where most of my features came from.

My mom left me and my dad because she wanted to go back home. She claimed that's where peace was and that she needed to be there. My dad ain't agree with her though so they split. Legally together, physically apart is what I always say. Now I don't hate my mom but I don't like the fact that she left.

Now my dad... Wow he's been there for me. Matter of fact he is my trainer. Turns out we got a family business... Business of what you ask. Murder. We are hitman. Since my grandad died, my dad took over. He's been grooming me since I was 5, before I even knew what an assassin was, so that I can take over. His name was Samaad but the streets knew him as Six. Why ? Because he was hired to kill this drug dealer, but instead he killed his target plus the man's five bodyguards. Our hitman business was so successful that drug dealers hired us to do their dirty work.

I had a Bestfriend by the name of Tae'Kuan Davidson. Pronounced like TayQuan. We been tight since grade school. Unfortunately he's part of the reason I went to jail. It was no secret we had a thing for each other but we would never do anything that would jeopardize our friendship.

Hell I was only 13, I had no business doing anything unlike his fast tail girlfriend. My dad will kill me. Anyway, his girlfriend didn't like our bond so she threatened me and told me if I didn't stay away she would come for me. Of course I didn't stay away, why would I ? I was here before her. I knew better than to fight her because my dad warned me not to use my hands. I was too skilled. So I beat the hoe with my steel bat, and that's where jail came into play. I got sentenced to 7 years. Why ? Cause I beat her to death... Literally. Before i knew it i was proven guilty of the death of Zayda Pittman. I was locked up at the age of 13, there was no sweet sixteen for me. I had nothing exciting to look foward to except for getting out. After my first 3 years Tae'Kuan visited me and told me he was moving to New Orleans. Never heard from him again.

Well you'll be hearing more about me as the story goes on. Oh and by the way... Rule #1 Don't ever threaten me. You might just end up like Zayda.

Hope you guys like it so far. Hope it's not confusing. Please excuse any mistakes I have made. Comment. Vote. Share. Sorry if it was boring it was just a filler so you can get a feel on who she is and where she came from.

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