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My name is Y/n L/n. I was born on m/d/2006 to my wonderful parents. My life was pretty ordinary, nothing strange or unusual ever happened. The only thing that was, was my sister. She had super powers, powers of healing wounds. My parents told me stories about the Umbrella Academy. Kids who possessed superpowers and like my sister, and they were all born on October 1st, 1989. 

When I was five, I got in a terrible accident. I was going to die from all the blood I lost. Luckily, my sister stepped up, but after that something peculiar happened. Ever since that day, I possessed my sister’s ability of healing. That was a while ago now. Now I’m thirteen, and today was like any normal day. Little did I know, it was all about to change.
What was once a normal April fool’s, and what was once a normal, thriving world, became a wasteland, nothing but ash and debris. It was like something from a movie, everyone was gone, except me. Tears flooded my eyes, there must be someone out there. I wandered through the rough terrain, stepping over chunks of concrete, looking around in hopes that by some miracle, there was someone out there who survived. 

“Hello!?” I call out. No response. “Is there anyone out there?” I yell out. The only thing that I heard was crackling of fire and falling debris. Not yet giving up, I keep walking. It was hard to see from all the smoke in the air. I could feel it collecting in my lungs and my eyes were watering from irritation. A few feet away from me, I could see a man lying on the ground, a large piece of rubble on top of him. He must have been crushed to death. On his left wrist I saw a tattoo of an umbrella in a circle.  He must have been in the Umbrella Academy.

  He must have been in the Umbrella Academy

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In the corner of my eye, I swore I saw something move

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In the corner of my eye, I swore I saw something move. I slowly inch closer to where I saw it. There was a figure of a boy sitting on, what once was a staircase leading to a house. He was curled up in a ball with his head in is hands. As I get closer, I could hear his soft cries. 

"Boy?" I said.
Now aware of my presence, he looked at me startled.
"Why are you crying?"
"M-my family's dead." He stammered.
"Mine too." I said, before sitting next to him.
"What's your name?" I asked.
He turned to me as if he was about to say it, but he stopped himself.
“I don’t really have a name.”
 “My father called me number five.” He says sadly. "I’ll call you Five.” I discern. He shrugged. “What about you?” He asked. He turned to look at me. “What’s your name?” 
“Y/n.” I reply. “How did you survive, Y/n?” Five asks. “Well, it’s complicated.” I answered. He scoffs, “Try me.” “My sister had healing powers, and when I was little, I got in a bad accident and she gave blood, so I could live, and it changed me - ever since that day, my wounds healed like that *snap* and I never have gotten sick either.” I explain. 

“You probably don’t believe me.” I said. “I believe you.” I look at him to see if he was genuine. “I can teleport to anywhere I want, and travel through time.” He admits. My expression turned to shock. “Well, I’m not really good at the ‘time travel’ part.” He continued. He looked at his hands.
"So, you came here by accident?"
Five nods.
"Well, when are you from?"
"2002." My eyes widened. "How old are you?" I wondered. "Thirteen." "So am I."
"So, what happens now, can't you go back?"
He sighs, “No, I can’t.” “I’ll have to find another way.” He says, more to himself. “For now, we can stick together.” I said. “Really?” “Of course.” I stand, and held out my hand to help him up. “No one should be alone.” I said. 

For 45 years, we had gotten pretty close since I was the only company Five had, and he with me. We shared portions and tried to fight boredom by the hour. We grew old together, and as we did, our feelings did too.  One day, the commission found us and took us in. We went on many missions, in hopes that we could figure out a way back without being tracked.

‘I’ve figured it out, Y/n!” Five came up to me

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‘I’ve figured it out, Y/n!” Five came up to me. “What did you figure out?” I asked, dumbly.“The math!” Five said as if it was obvious. He held my hands excitedly. 
“We can go back and save everyone.” He smiles. “That’s great.” I said, faking a smile. Five’s smile fades.
“What’s wrong?” He squeezes my arms.
“I can’t go with you.” I said.
“What, why not?!” He asked, shocked.
“No, I’m not going without you.” He continued.
“There’s another me in 2019, Five.” I said. Realization struck his face. He rubs his mouth with his hand, trying to think of a solution.
“You need to do this.” I try to persuade. 
“No, I can’t, I - I need you.” His voice cracked. “There has to be another way.” He says to himself. “Five -” I grab his hands. “You have a chance to see your family and to save them, to save everyone.” Five looks at me sadly. “You’ve spent a majority of your life with only one person.”  “- I wouldn’t trade it for anything.” Five interrupts. 
“And I wouldn’t either, but it’s time to let other people in.” I said. I run my fingers through his winter hair, then moved to stroke his aged cheek. He put his hand on mine and closed his eyes. A single tear fell on his cheek.  “I love you, Y/n, and I always will.” Five says. I wipe away his tear with my thumb. “I love you, Five.” He pulls me in and our lips met in a bittersweet kiss. Neither of us wanting to pull away, we stay in that moment for a while till I break it.
A gunshot was heard and people started screaming, we turned to the noise.
 “You should go.” I state. Five stays put. “Please come with me.” He stubbornly repeats. “I can’t, you know the seven stages of paradox psychosis.” I mention. “That won’t happen because you won’t see yourself.” “Please Y/n, I need you.” “- And if things don’t pan out, I want to be with you in the end.” 
I bite my lip, considering Five’s words. 
I hum. “I don’t know.” I respond. 
“Always stick together.” Five says. I cross my arms at those words. “Are you really using my own words against me?” Five doesn’t back down, now crossing his arms. “Okay, let’s do it.” I smile. Five smiles and summons a portal. We can see people standing there on the other side. A fire extinguisher appearing on our side. I reach to hold his hand and he took it, and we walked through.

It felt really weird to say the least, and the next thing I knew, we both fell to the ground. Luckily, Five broke my fall. He groaned in pain. “Oh, I’m sorry.” I said while getting off of him. “Are you okay?” I asked. “Yeah.” He said brushing himself off. “Does anyone else see little number five, or is that just me?” A tall, skinny man asked. Five looked at himself. “Shit.” He said. “Who’s that?” A pretty woman asked. Everyone looked at me curiously. “I’m Y/n.” I greet. The skinny man waved at me and I wave back. 

I hope that you enjoyed it! If you want a part two, comment down below. ♡

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