Haunted House

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Halloween was coming up and the usual 'spooky festival' was always happening. Nicky Harper was indifferent to Halloween, he hates being scared and so he was pretty quiet during our idea meeting.
"We can have a costume booth." Dawn said.
"Or a spooky photo booth" Ricky added.
"I can make caramel corn and cupcakes." Nicky suggests.
"What about a scary movie?" Dicky wondered.
"Or we can do a Haunted house!" I suggest.
"Oooh, I like that." Dicky agreed.
"Yeah!" Dawn said.
Nicky gulped.
"I-I don't know you guys." Nicky said worryingly.
"Come on, Nicky!" Dawn whined.
"Don't be a baby." Dicky said.
"I'm not! I just.....I need to frost my cupcakes." He ran to the kitchen.
"What was that about?'
"He bakes when he's nervous, it calms him down. " Ricky said.
"He doesn't like Halloween, he doesn't like being scared." Dawn said.
"I'll talk to him."
Nicky was halfway through icing when you came through the door.
"Hey Nicky."
"Oh, hi y/n."
"They're incredible." Refering to the cupcakes.
"You know, we don't have to do a Haunted house."
"It's not that, it's the whole day."
"What's your deal with Halloween anyway? "
"I had a bad experience.....that's all."
You looked at him confused.
"It'll be fun, I promise."
It didn't do much to change his mind.
"And...if you do start to get scared, I'll hold your hand."
You saw him react to your comment. His cheeks were pink.
"Please, Nicky. "
"Oh, okay."
You hugged him in delight for a few seconds.
"I'll go tell the others!"
Nicky was on top of the world right now. You were right, it will be alright, he had to be brave, and maybe he'll get to hold your hand.


The Haunted house was built and painted, thanks to everyone and their parents.
The parents and some other people were in there, as the scarers, while you, Dawn, Ricky and Nicky were outside selling it.
You guys were there for hours, and you made 300 dollars which was pretty good. When there was a break with how many people coming in, two of you would stay outside in case others wanted in, and the other two would go in the house or take a break somewhere else. Nicky never went in the house, but you, Dawn, and Ricky did. It was terrifying, but when you decide to take a break you asked Nicky to take a break because he hadn't had one.
"I won't make you go in, we can take a look around other booths."
He seemed to feel better about that.
"Come on." You held out your hand and he took it.
You guys had a great time, playing the games, eating treats, taking pictures in the booth. You found yourselves talking about different things.
To anyone, this would be a date, maybe it was.
"We should check on Dawn and Ricky." You said.
The crowd was picking up but they said that we can go in once if we wanted.
Nicky seemed to think about it.
"Do you want to?"
"Is it scary?"
"Terrifying, but I know the scares so I'll help you."
"Okay? Let's do it."
You held you hand out again.
He took it.
"Don't let go."
"I promise not to."
You entered the house and Nicky immediately leaned towards you. You put your free hand around his shoulder that was away from you. You guys managed to keep walking.
"Alright, there's gonna be-"
You were cut off by a scare.
Nicky screamed as you jumped and giggled.
"I got you, keep going." You encouraged.
Several scares later, he still jumped and yelled out, you jumped with some of them, but you were loving his reactions.
"Oh, why did I agree to- AAAHHH!!" Another scare got him, and he fell to the floor. You still held his hand. You were laughing so hard. "Nicky-hehehe." He stood up as you tried to stop laughing. "I'm glad you're enjoying this." "I'm sorry but it's cute." His mind kept repeating that word: 'cute' 'cute'
More twists and turns, you were at the end. "How long is this!" "We're at the-AAAAAAHHHH!!" The last scare got you good. Nicky screamed just as loud as you. "Go, go, go!!" You both ran out and you both tried to recollect yourselves.
"That was scary." He kept saying.
"That scare got me so bad!"
You both were still holding each other.
"Are you guys okay?"
"Will be fine."
"Why did I do that?" Nicky asked himself. "Nicky..." You got his attention by holding his face in your hands.
"You were very brave." You said.
It was at this moment where Nicky knew that he was so in love with you, that he just went into a Haunted house to be with you.

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