Number Eight

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the first twelve years of living with a pompous, asshole father, a monkey butler, a robot mother, and seven other siblings would be as you would think. The eight siblings were very close. This story however, pertains to one of the eight children, number eight or as Grace named them, Y/n Hargreeves. The children had incredible and distinct gifts. Luther had super strength, Diego can control the trajectory of objects, Allison had the ability to persuade anyone to do anything, Klaus can commune and control the dead, Five can manipulate time and space, Ben can grow tentacles, Vanya was -well, normal, and you had heightened senses, (sight, hearing, smell, etc).

Y/n was kind and loved their siblings dearly, although they bump heads with Diego, but he was like that with everyone. They were close to Five and Ben, but they knew that Vanya and Klaus were the outsiders of the group, so they made sure to spend time with them and they became super close. Eventually, they saw less and less of Vanya, then one day their father told the Hargreeves siblings that Vanya became ill, and requested that no one was to see her. So, Y/n and Klaus stuck together.

When all of the young Hargreeves siblings turned thirteen, things became hard, at least for you and your best friend and brother, Klaus. Father was trying to get Klaus to control his powers by locking him in the mausoleum for hours on end. When he came back to the house, you comforted him while he cried on your shoulder. You were angry at your father. After all, How could someone do this to a child? Meanwhile, Diego was also getting on your nerves again because Diego was Diego. He was fighting with you about messing with his stuff, and you became angrier and angrier. This was ridiculous! As if you would go into Diego's room, you never really liked him. You couldn't take looking at him any second longer, you stormed to your room and slammed the door. You were breathing heavily, trying to calm your nerves, when you heard heels clicking on the floor. A knock came at your door and it opened to reveal Grace. "Y/n, your father wishes to speak with you." She said. She smiles before walking away. 'Why can't everyone leave me alone for five minutes!' You grumbled as you stormed into his office.

By the end of his lecture, you were beyond pissed. You were currently in your room again, pacing while breathing very heavily. 'What's the matter with you?' You thought. 'Sure I get mad a lot, but every little thing right now is making you pissed.' What happened next pushed you over the edge, your ears picked up everything, banging on doors, a tea kettle whistling, and screaming. You screamed out in pain, your bones cracking and you were on the floor when you noticed Klaus running to help. "What do I do?" You heard him say. All you could do was scream in pain. You barred your teeth. Klaus on the other hand, saw his best friend's eyes glow a golden brown, while their body morphed into a big grey wolf.

 Klaus on the other hand, saw his best friend's eyes glow a golden brown, while their body morphed into a big grey wolf

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The wolf growled and ran out of the room, wreaking havoc by destroying artefacts in the house. With all the commotion, the young Hargreeves ran out and fought the beast. Klaus came down and tried to stop his siblings, but it was too late. Diego threw a knife in the air, and it went into the beast's side. Y/n, now human again, grimaced in pain. They bled on the floor, as the others realized what happened. Their father came into the scene, "Quickly get number eight to the infirmary immediately." He told Luther. He turned to Five, "Get Grace and tell her what happened." Five flashed away then came back. He looked at Y/n, then turned to the others, "and someone get them some clothing," as they were naked from the change. Luther and Grace took an unconscious Y/n to the infirmary room, and Allison and Klaus went to their room to pick out an outfit.

Thankfully, you would be okay. Grace stitched you up, but you had to rest and heal for a couple weeks. During that time, Diego came in and apologized for hurting you, Ben, Five, Allison, Vanya, and Luther came every couple of days to check up on you, and Klaus was with you 24/7, or at least as much as he could. He would always sneak up to see you. You even had secret sleepovers with him, so you wouldn't be lonely. Klaus made your day, he even gave you the nickname, 'Wolfie,' which you weren't very keen about, but because it was Klaus, you knew it was said with love. Grace knew how close you two were, so she didn't mind, although, she did find Klaus asleep upside down in a chair next to your bed one night. You on the other hand were cuddling a book, Little Red Riding Hood.

When you healed, Father tested your powers and you figured out how to control your anger, and how to turn at will. Grace had made you a red cloak for you, a homage to Little Red Riding Hood. You saw her wink, then you remembered that night when Klaus showed up with the book in his hands. You laughed, thinking it was funny. The cloak itself was beautiful, it had a cool pattern and it was soft. You wore it all the time, it helped calm you. Klaus thought it was funny too, and everyone, except father called you 'Red' because of it.

A couple months after that fiasco, everything was back to normal

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A couple months after that fiasco, everything was back to normal. We were all called down to dinner, and we all sat down. Father looked at me displeased. "How many times must I tell you number eight, no wearing the cloak at the table." You shyly adjust the cloak. "Go on and give it to Grace." Father said. You pulled it closer to you, looking at your siblings, then Grace. You hesitantly take it off, then gave it to Grace. "You can put it back on when meal time is over." Father said.

We all silently ate our meal, when suddenly Five slams the table and started arguing. "Why can't Y/n wear their cloak if they want to?!" "Number Five!" He said. Five started arguing about his powers.

"A spacial jump is trivial when compared with the unknowns of time travel."

"One is like sliding along the ice, and the other is akin to descending blindly into the depths of the freezing water, and reappearing as an acorn." Father explains.

"I don't get it." Five said.

"Hence why you're not ready." He said, before sipping his wine.

They continue arguing before father demanded to end the argument. Five stormed off.

“You’re all excused. You may have 30 minutes of free time.” Dad says. Everyone scoots their chairs and quickly go out of the dining area to spend their time, however they want to. Klaus dragged me to his room, chatting nonsense, while I hoped that Five is okay.

“Number Eight.” We turned to see father at Klaus’ door. I stood up and go in the hallway. “I have a mission for you.” He takes out a white shirt. “This shirt belongs to Number Five, I retrieved it from his hamper. I need you to get his scent and locate where he has gone to.” He explained. I took Five’s shirt from dad and started smelling it. Once I got his scent, I smelled it everywhere. I followed it down to the dining room, then outside the front door. I went down the sidewalk, following his trail, when it suddenly disappeared.

I smell his shirt again, then sniffing the air, nothing.

I turn around, "I-I I'm sorry father, I had his trail but it's gone."

He hummed.

"Number Five must have spacial jumped."

"No matter, that will be all Number Eight."

After that I really hoped that he was alright.

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