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He went home, their home. The place feels like empty, without them anymore. He saw their wedding picture and Wonwoo's smile was the prettiest smile he ever seen on his life, when was the last time he saw this smile of Wonwoo? He don't remember. We walked towards the dining room, Wonwoo was the one who picked everything from the furniture and the design of this house it was all Wonwoo's idea. He saw the book on the table, isn't it the one that makes them close when they're was still in college? He laugh. He sat at the couch and reminisce the memories how Wonwoo won't move even in each because he was too busy to read books, he just sat there waiting for him to come home.

He rest his head and his tears starting to fall into his cheeks, he missed it. He missed how Wonwoo is the first person he'll see in the morning, after work and before going to sleep. He missed how warm the hugs was, how passionate the kisses was. It was only Wonwoo could make him feel those things, only Wonwoo. He remembered how small he think he is back then, he was so scared to build the company because he think he was never good enough to fulfill all the duties. But Wonwoo believed at him, Wonwoo trust him, and he supported him. For the very first investor and first meeting Wonwoo was there. All of his first times, Wonwoo was there. Everytime he feels like giving up his husband was there to remind him how far he established already, how he can survive all the struggles because of Wonwoo's phrase.

"I'll be always be right here love, no need to worried about. I love you so much, i'm so proud of you."

He wants to hear those words again, he wants to feel the warm touch of Wonwoo again. He wiped his tears and cried out loud to ease the pain, he even punching himself. He wants to be in Wonwoo's arms again but he knew he can't, Wonwoo doesn't deserve him right now, not on his state right now.

Wonwoo phone rings and he was too lazy to read who's calling so he just answer it right away.

"Hello?" He said, "Wonu?" The familiar voice wakes Wonwoo up, he immediately sat and rub his eyes he read the time it was already 2am why does Mingyu will call him at this kind of hour?
"What's the matter Mingyu?" He asked, He heard sobs on the other line. Wonwoo's heart soften after hearing it, it hurts him too. "N-nothing now that i'm not your husband anymore I just want to hear your voice for the last time." Mingyu said and stopping himself to cry even more so that Wonwoo could understand him.
"Stop making it hard for us Gyu, you can be happy with your someone new without hiding." Wonwoo's heart get wrenched as he said those.
"I never loved Naomi the way that I love you Wonu, she was just there to distract me for the stress i'm so sorry for all the things I put you through. You don't deserve any of those. I'm sorry my love." Mingyu uttured and Wonwoo can feel how sincere the latter is. He could forget all the things that happened but he needs to heal, both of them needs to heal and learn from this lesson.

"I know I lacked on everything, I'm sorry I was not good enough for you Gyu." Wonwoo said and he finally let himself cry.
"No, you're more than enough i'm just dumb." Mingyu answered.
"Can you promise me something Wonu?" Mingyu asked. "What is it?"
"Be happy for me" Mingyu said. Wonwoo nodded as if the latter could see him.
"Be happy for me too Gyu, you deserve it stop torturing yourself. Its our fault, not only yours." Wonwoo said.
"I'll work harder to be a better person to deserve you Wonu, I just hope that by then you're still ready to accept me. I hope you still love me by then." Mingyu said.
Wonwoo laugh, how could he replaced someone like him? It's impossible and he just hum to answered the latter.

"Happy anniversary my love, too bad you're not mine anymore but still i'm lucky to have a conversation with you. You're doing good Wonu i'm so so proud of you, you're amazing, you're lovely, you're smart. you are my everything, i love you so much." Mingyu lastly said and ended the phone call, Wonwoo who is speechless just let his tears fell into his cheeks. It hurts so bad really really bad. He wants to run back to Mingyu's arms but he can't. He hope for the better days for them. He hope they could still meet one day with the better version of themselves.

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