Chapter 28- I did it for Cassie.

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Cassie's POV

"I'll see you guys inside" I tell the boys and Jade.

"You know what, I want to take you out tomorrow for the whole day!" Harry said.

"What? Why?" I ask.

"I want to treat you since how bad it was today, and why not?" He gives a little smile.

"Stop saying that, it was fine!" I say in a winy voice.

"It was, I first left you alone, then we played 'Never have I ever' and it embarrassed you. Then you left. With Zayn." In the end, when he was talking about Zayn he put his head down.

"First, you had to talk to your friends, second, it embarrassed you too! And Zayn helped me. There was a guy who tried to... you know and he-"

"Wait what? Who?" I can see him tense up.

"I don't know his name" I say honestly. Shit, he is getting mad.

"What does he look like?" He asks a bit rudely

"I'm not going to tell you!" I say with a smile.

"Cassie, he tried to make a move on you, I swear if I ever see him I will-" He say protectively, I cut him off.

"Beat the shit out of him, yeah I know, that's why I'm not telling you" he just smiles and chuckles, I join.

"I want you to tell me this kind of stuff, I want to 'go for walk with you', not Zayn" he says.

"Fine, prince charming, lead the way!" He smiles and starts walking. We go a circle around the neighbourhood and come back.

"I liked that, it was fun." He smiled as I walked away he grabbed my hand and twirled me next to him. His face was right next to me. I look first into his deep green eyes. He just stares into my eyes. I come closer, and so does he. We were 1 cm away from each other, then we both freeze. He looks down to my lips and do the same right as we were about to kiss, we both pull away.

"It's­­ getting cold, I'm going to go, had fun today" I give him a hug. "Good night!" I say, look into his eyes, and walk away. I run upstairs and see everybody in my room, even my dad. My window was creaked a bit open. "You all were lurking, weren't you?" I ask, Jade and the boys just shook their heads.

"Yea, why didn't you guys kiss?" My dad asked. Um, is this real life?

"Aren't you the dad?" I asked

"Yea, I never want you to touch another person with the opposite gender, but you're stubborn!" he says, go he's the best dad.

"I don't know?" I ask, I really don't know. What stopping me? My dad just smiles and leaves. I sit on my bed sighing.

Harry's POV

"Hey mate, what took you so long?" Niall asks, as I pick up some red cups.

"Sorry, had to drop Cassie and her friends back" I say apologetic. I throw them in a big black trash bag. I pick it up and start collecting the red cups. I kind of promised to clean up, well not promise, lost a bet. Liam laying on the couching while a girl is on top of him making out. I hear someone run down the stairs, I turn and see Louis. "Hey arse, why don't you help?" I ask shouting.

"Ah, why do you think I'm coming here? Hey grabs a bag and start shoving red cups. This place is amazing. It has 5 bedrooms, for each of us. I live with my parents but whenever we get into a fight or I feel like I need to get out of the house, I come here.

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