Chapter 4 - New ways, New Friends

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I walked home, again. Jason was “too busy” but it’s fine because I need to figure out how to stop dreaming about curls because the last thing I need, is Jason finding out that I’m dreaming about another guy.

I jump on my bed. I look at the ceiling, and wonder and …………….

*********2 hours later**********

Ring ring ring, whose calling? “Hello!” a familiar British accent says

“Who is this?” my eyes still shut because I’m too tired to open.

“Harry” Ugh. How did he find my number?

“What do you want?” I ask

“Hmm… from you, lots” I half way back to sleep.

“…whatev-“I doze off.

“Stay awake!” He shouts, but I’m too tired to respond, he hangs up.

I look at the ceiling saying I need to take shower and stay awake! So I did, I cleaned up, ate, and had enough time to finish all my homework. I still have 2 hours to kill, what should I do? I pick up a book and then laugh and remember I don’t read and put it back down. So I decided to watch a movie called 'fault in our stars'. Everyone watched it but me, so I did. It is the saddest thing I’ve ever watched! Then took a nap which turned to be 9 hours!

I woke up and went to school, walking. I reached school 5 minutes late. I ran to my locker, got my stuff and ran to class.

“Ms. Larson, do you have a note excusing you for being late?” ya….no, why does she call me by last name, I hate it when people call me by my last name!

“No” I say softly

“Well you have to go get one from the office!”

"Ok!" bitch.

I run to the office and ask for a note, She says "can you sit and wait Mr.Shirly isn’t here right now, he’ll be here soon”. So I sit, and then 2 guys come in, one with a busted lip the other a bloody nose. They sit next to me both on different sides. I recognize one of them, the Irish direction helper. I really should get to know names.

“Hey” one of the guys say, I smile, “I never asked last time, what’s your name?”

“Cassie, what about you?” I smile

“Niall, Niall Horan, why are you even here, you don’t look like a rule breaker” I’m not.

“Then you have to get to know me, but I’m here because I came 10 minutes late” his lip is still bleeding, so I get up get a tissue, I wipe all the blood down his chin and give him the tissue to do the rest. I don’t like blood.

“Hey I’m sorry, oh Cassie in the office on the first week, I hope it’s not a habit!” He signs a paper and gives it to me.

“Thanks” I say, I turn “Bye Niall!” he waves

I go back to class and class just finished, I give her the note anyway, and go to my locker. I look around, and realize I need friends. I know only Niall and curls, and curls is not a friend. I don’t know about Niall though and that’s when curls came.

“Hello sleepy head!” he smiles

“Hi” trying to be polite because I really don’t care.

“So, what exactly wa-" curls was interrupted by my phone. It’s Jason, I answer while curls rolls his eyes. “Hey Cassie, it’s bad news, I got detention so I have to stay afterschool, so I can’t pick you up, I’m sorry”

“Its fine! I’ll walk” not really but arguing is too much energy.

Harry’s POV

I decide to go pay a visit to snores before I go to class. I wait right beside her locker, she walks up and I say “Hello sleepy head” referring to yesterday

“Hi” is she feeling okay, usually it’s what do you want or an insult, wow!

“So what exactly wa-:"I was going to ask her why she was so tired but then Mr.ass had to call!

He says something that I can’t understand, all I can hear is mumbling. Then she says “its fine, I’ll walk” clearly meaning walking back home. I look outside it’s raining hard and she’s wearing a short sleeve shirt. She is not going walking, and I’ll make sure off it!

Cassie’s POV

I have science next class, which means I have it with curls. So we go together to class and he sits in the very back right, I sit in the very back left. One table between us, perfect!

“Hello, everyone! In front of you are slides, you have to identify the different stages of mitosis. We took this last class! Do it with a partner!” right then I put my head down, I know no one which means nobody wants to be my partner, great!

“Hey, ya wanna be partners” an Irish accent says.

“Sure!” I say, life saver

“Ok, so how’s life” while he puts a slide under the microscope, he looks in it and has a confused face and then I take a look.

“Prophase…Good, what about you?” I say

“Life is getting... I don’t know…predictable” he changes slides and I write it down. “Anaphase?” he asks. I take look and nod.

“Whoa! Smart pants” he changes the slide while I write it down. He gives it to me this time.

“Metaphase…if you don’t want it to predictable then get out of your comfort zone!” I get up and give the teacher my notebook. She smiles and writes something down on her book, probably a grade.

I sit back down “you right, so I was wandering that we could be friends?”

“Aren’t we already?”

“Fine, but this time you sit with us at lunch! You have to get out of your comfort zone” no, no no hell no.

“Who is … us?” I ask

“Oh just a couple of friends, you know Lou, me, girls, harry… the normal” then immediately I answer

“On the other hand the comfort zone is safe and safe is good!” I am not sitting with them

“You have no choice, either you hang out with us or I’ll pull you from your hair” Then the bell rings, Shit lunch. I’d never think I would say that. “See you in a couple of minutes!” Niall says.

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