Chapter 3 - Dreaming

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 His lips are soft and tender.  His arms are around my hips but slowly he slides them down to my butt. I look at him with his messy striaght hair, I take of my shirt. He kiss all the way from my bra to my belly button. He stops and starts taking of his shirt. I shut my eyes and start playing with his hair. Its not striaght and messy anymore, it curly and soft. I open my eyes and all I see are green emeralds staring.

“Cassie…Cassie, CASSIE!!” Jason wakes me up looking very confused

“bad dream” WTF was that!! Why the hell am I dreaming about curls? He’s an ass! I have a boyfriend, whats wrong with me?


I’m walking down the hallway to get to my locker. I open and realize, it need decorations. Just then someone stand right infront of my locker door, which means I can’t see there face. I get my stuff for elective…Art. I’m not good at it but that’s why I’m going to it right? I close the my locker and there is a guy, leaning on a locker. He has blond hair, blue eyes and let me guess a perfect british accent…so cliche.

“Hello!” Not what I expected, not perfect british accent, perfect irish accent!

“Hi, can I help you?” I say in a nice way

“Nope, I heard you’re new so I thought you might need help, do you?” yay, someone willingly helping me

“Ya, do you know where art is?” I sigh

“Yep, up da staires to the 2nd floor, go right and then take a left!” ya, like I’ll remember that!

“Thanks” then he runs off, and so do I

I went to art and we learned about color wheel. I took that at least a million times, can’t I just paint freely? Next, I had history, which I fail at, misrabley, I know nothing. Then lunch, I decided to call Jason. He didn’t answer the first 3 times. So I was worried, right then, he called.

“Hey! Umm…I’m sorry I was listening to music…I didn’t hear the phone ring” he says panting, did he take a jog? All he cares about how he looks and how perfect his abs are, even if he doesn’t admit it.

“Hey, I have lunch, the day was normal but boring…what about yours”I say

“Umm…good!” That’s it? “Well, look Cas..sie” he pants “I need to go” okay, weird

Then, there was curls, sitting all innocent and stuff! How dare he come up in my dream? He is an ass.

*day dreaming*

I come back to reality and realize I’m in class, the teachers talking blah blah blah. I looked around and there is curls, looking back at me with his smirk. I can’t believe it, I was day dreaming about curls for the second time. I need to stop it, I have a freaking boyfriend. So I ignore curls and then the bell rings, one more class! I walk to my locker but this time I feel like I forgot something, what was it?

“Hello!” curls says, leaning on the other side of my locker so I can see his face

“What do you want?” I say

“An apology” yea like that’s going to happen

“Sorry, I was judging you and I should have” Oh he means giving an apology, oh that’s okay, I have time for that

“Its okay, you were horny, everybody gets horny, some... more than others” I say smiling

“I mean I’m not judgeing you anymore about the first day” What did that mean “Your converstation with your boyfriend though” holding up my phone “judgeable” How the hell did he get me phone?

“Give me that!” I grab it from him

“He’s an ass, your boyfriend”he says happily

“oh, and your not” I say back. I didnt disagree with him about jason

“I am, but I’m hot ….and sexy…” I roll my eyes                 

“And cocky..and selfish..and a dick, but come on, whats new today” why is he here?

Finally, he runs off, turns around gives my a wink and goes. What is wrong with him?

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