Chapter 2

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Diana's P. O. V

In a flash I was out of my seat, walking out of the class.
"I hope you're alright..."my teacher was saying, while I walked away.
"Yes... absolutely..."
My sentence got cut off by a door to my face. Great timing.
I could hear the entire class laughing at me, my teacher face palmed.
I chuckled nervously and pushed the door, then I walked out of the class to the bathroom, wherever that was.
I returned after psyching myself with my reflection. The blue eyed boy was at the end of the class and I felt a bit upset. I was kind of liking the attention. I took my seat and let the class end.
"Do pages 11 and 12 on your textbooks!"Mr Theodore said as students flocked out, I'll call him Mr T, but not just in public.

"Um Miss Netwood, a word? "He asked while clearing his desk.
"Sure sir"I said walking up to him. Not sure why he'd need to talk to me though.

"You're a good kid, that much I can tell, a piece of friendly advice from me. Don't let these spoilt rich kids ruin you, okay? "he said sounding nice.
"Yes Sir."I said, feeling like a teacher's pet already, the worst thing on the planet.
"I'll see you tomorrow class rep"he said while pushing the door open.
"Wait! Am class president?"I asked for clarity, he spared me a quick glance. "Yup"he said and sunk his teeth into an apple.
"Isn't there an election or something?"I asked again. He shook his head.

"These kids don't bother to do that here, they think it's a burden"Mr Theodore said and left for his next class.

At my old school there were class representative elections and they were a huge deal. I smiled and watched him leave, I held up my schedule to see where I was supposed to be next.

"Drama class? Class? I thought drama was a club!"I thought aloud, this was too overwhelming.
"Well class rep, let's do it"I said breaking a nervous smile. I didn't notice I was the last one in the class.
"So you're new here... Miss... Netwood? "Mr Freddie asked, I nodded, he raised a brow at me. Why did I have to have such a weird surname!
"Yes Sir "I said.
"Can you act?"he asked, I froze, it felt like everyone was watching me for some reason, anxiety was a bitch.

"Um...Um...Yeah! I acted the play Romeo and Juliet at my old school."I said lying to his face.
Technically it wasn't a lie persay, I played girl who passed by. So lame right?
But blue eyed guy is watching and if you wanna lie you either lie big or go home!.

"Good, you can help me out here, we're going to act the same play here. No one's ever wanted to act since...forever! Good work Miss Netwood or should I say Juliet?. I'll just need a Romeo."he said.

Did he just say act? Did he just call me Juliet? Who the hell is she!

"I'll do it"a very unattractive boy with square glasses said, snapping me out of my daze.
" offense, but an actor must be spuantaneous and bold....not your kind of fitting is it?"Mr Freddie asked.
If sounded like Mr Freddie did not want him to act. But this guy cut him off by reciting some lines from the play.

The guy was on fire and even I was amazed, he got on the stage and earned an applaud from Mr Freddie.
I joined in, getting a lot of attention from the others. Some appluaded others... Nonetheless, Stephen was a natural at this.

Some people were coming forward to sign up for the play as well. I was stunned that one lie could bring about all this. Maybe white lies can bring good things...
"Miss Netwood, you might just bring some life into this class! "Mr Freddie joyfully yelped.

This was so warm until...

Michael's P. O. V

Another boring drama class! It's basically Mr what's his name...yapping about us being more dramatically inclined or something like that.

My distraction is Sam, my girlfriend, or I think she is. We kiss all the time and she calls my phone till it's dead, so am guessing we're an item.

But she has her gaze on that new girl, black hair.
They're talking about...a play? Excuse me! In this class? Sam watched her mouth move, I do too, but I think for a completely different reason.

"Come on let's get outta here."I whispered to her, trying to get her out of the class, but she doesn't listen or seem interested.
Her grip on my hand tightened, her eyes fiercer than ever, she's cooking up a plan.
"We'll do it! We want to play the leading roles! "Sam said loudly, loud enough to be heard by everyone.
"Sam what the..."before I could complete my sentence she's pulling me towards the front of the stage. In front of black hair, she looked prettier than before, fuck! Before was ten minutes ago.
"Me and Mike want to be the leading roles"Sam said, glaring at black hair, for some reason I don't just get.

"Okay then, Diana and Stephen you two can...."Mr what's his name was saying.
So that's her name, Diana, so pretty, the hell? Names aren't pretty!
"Excuse me sir, but that's not fair, we asked for the roles first and you didn't even test them first."she said. I suddenly took a deeper intreset into this Diana.

"Leave it to me and Sam alright Dollie."I said placing my arm on her shoulder and looked straight at her. She jerked it off, then sent me a glare.
"My name is Diana."she said  boldly and walked forward. "Mr Freddie, you can't just do this to us"she said, "Stephen is a natural at this"she added.

"We will have auditions for it, in a week we will all gather here for the auditions for the roles of Romeo and Juliet. How does that sound?"he asked.
"Fine."Diana and Sam said almost at the same time, glaring at themselves, I tried to glare at the geek, but he kept on staring at the ground.

Beating him would be a piece of cake. I'll have my revenge on Diana for this, just to let her know to pick her fights wisely.

Diana's P. O. V
"Such a jack!"I said as I slammed my locker shut, I stopped and admired the fine work of art, that is my locker.
"Am sorry I slammed you babe, it's that rude Mike"I said to try serenade my locker.
"You forgive me right?"I asked it, till a voice threw me out of my own little world.

"Hey"Stephen said popping out of nowhere, I jumped in shock, earning a chuckle from him. I faced him fully and tucked a strand of hair behind my ear. "Oh, hi"I said.

"You were right, with that whole standing up for yourself getup."Stephen said.
"Oh, thanks am glad you see it too."I replied, feeling so inspiring and motivational. My first real interaction was with what you call a "geek".

"So how do we plan on pleading for their forgiveness?"Stephen asked out of the blue his tone completely changed from a few moments ago.
"Plead?"I asked walking to the next class, the warning bell just sounded.
"Yeah! Mike and Sam will ruin us for sure, we could buy them a gift basket and get on our knees..." Stephen mumbled while we walked.

Is he always like this?

"Stephen, we are not backing out, or buying anyone a gift basket. We are going to audition whether we like it or not!"I emphasized.
"But..."I cut him off, raising my hand up.
"But nothing, let's just focus on beating them."I said.
"We're not really an even match, am a geek, you're a newbie?"he said. Stating out the obvious.

"I know that, but we can change that."I said with a broad smile. He seemed scared at my devious smile.
"How?"he asked taking a step back.
"We're gonna have a makeover"I said excitedly. "But you already look perfect"I heard him mumble, that got me blushing.

"Not me, I'll work on my acting, you're getting the makeover"I pointed out, he suddenly seemed insecure. "I wouldn't want to change myself...."
Oh no! Not this speech again.
"Listen, life won't get any easier the least we can do is make the most out of it"I said to him.

""he mumbled, he seemed to do a lot of that.
"Diana"I cut in sharply.
"Stephen Lyod"he said.
Immediately I was pulled by a strong hand away from Stephen. I looked above me to see the Devil's incarnate pulling me away from everyone.

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