Chapter 6

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Diana's P. O. V

It's seven PM and am staring at Anabelle comes home, a scary movie. The perfect Saturday night activity, so my mum thought. Anyways... there's the doorbell, I never realized we had a doorbell.

"Who is that?"My mum asked, she is always very cautious about our safety, she's convinced that without a man in your life you're prone to certain dangers.

She goes over to the door and opens it, she seems to know the person.
"Hi Mrs Netwood"She said, I could point out that she's Spanish.
"Please call me Mia"mom said sounding nice,"come in"mum added and led her inside.
"This is our neighbor she lives opposite us"mom informed me.

Shit! She's Pablo's mother! "Hey, am Lola"She said to me, "Diana"I said.
"I know that this will sound very awkward to you both, but my son Pablo is hosting a big American party. And consequently my friends are outta town. I wouldn't want to I was hoping I could stay over?"she asked.

My eyes widened, I exchanged glances with my mother. I nodded in agreement, much to my mother's surprise.
"Sure, you could join in on our movie night"mom said. I stood up to get more popcorn and a can of coke.

"Didn't you say your daughter attends my son's school?  I think you're in his grade?"she asked staring at me funny.
I suddenly felt very nervous, "yes that's right am new so..."

"You should attend!"she said cutting me off, "no...I...I... couldn't, I'd be gay crashing and I would just be bored"I said.
"It's a house of teenagers, and we're two adults trying to watch..."she stopped and looked at the table.
"A scary movie"she continued.

"You should try it if you want to"my mom said and I bit my cheek in excitement. "Um...okay, I'll go change"I said and ran upstairs. This was like some dream, I was going to Pablo's party.

I have the perfect silver dress for the occasion! I pack my hair up in a rough bun, apply some quick make up and put on my earrings.
"Ta–da!"I as I descend the stairs, "someone's looking stunning"mom said.

"Like a princessà"Lola chips in, "Gracias!"
"No need to drop you off"mom said, still looking a little worried, but I know she wants me to get out more.

This could actually work well, I'll take a few pics, boost my Instagram and talk to a really cute boy!

Michael's P. O. V

Shit! Shit! Shit! I am so dead! My life is over! I tried to park the car! I paid Tom, the driver to "go away" for some hours and I tried parking the car.

I was backing up and almost hit another car, as if that wasn't bad enough I almost hit someone too!
"I am so sor...."I said while coming out of the car, till my eyes landed on her.

"You!"we both yelled at almost the same time. "Hey are you following me?"she asked and I got offended.
"No! Why would I ever follow you?" My eyes trailed to her dress! Damn! She looks so hot! Stop staring!
"You.... Look....Terri...."I stopped, what was I about to do!
"Terrible"I quickly said, "I appreciate, you don't look so ugly yourself dude"she said, trying to piss me off.

"Just get out of my way"I said sounding unaffected by her, which I know pissed her off. And I liked knowing I could get her worked up.

"Jerk! Stop smiling"she said sounding irritated in her high pitched voice, I noticed it got lighter when she's mad.
"Or what?"

Diana's P. O. V

"Or what?"
Of all the people to run into it just had to be Michael Tyler! He just pisses me off! He's so annoying, like hell!
"Idiot"I cursed under my breath, he shoved past me and walked into the huge house in front of me.

Holy crap! He's coming here too! I stare in anger, and reluctantly walk in my heels angrily hitting the ground.
The inside is crazy loud! I can barely hear my own thoughts, binge drinking! Seven minutes of Heaven! Truth or Dare! Food...

"This is awesome..."I admit, and spot June not too far away, I waved but she didn't see me she went upstairs with a guy I saw once in physics class.

A push almost sends me falling, but I crash into a young girl instead.
"Sorry"I said hoping I didn't hurt anybody.
"It's alright"she responded, she sounded nice, maybe I wouldn't be alone tonight after all.
"Wanna dance?"she asked, yelling over the loud music. "No am no good"I said to her.

"Come on, live a little"she said and pulled me to the dance floor, she was wild, but she had rhythm. After a bit of dancing she disappears and I decide to get a drink. Guess who I run into?

Michael's P. O. V

Without Vincent around I can finally do a lot of things I was never allowed to do. And I was having fun, but I also looked out for Makela as well. I did, she's gone into the party again!

Sam's on my lap, she looks hot, but Diana's face and body is all I can see.
"Go get me a drink"she said to me and planted a kiss on my lips, I kissed back then let her off.
I go into the kitchen to grab two bottles of beers but run into Diana.

"Well if it isn't Miss Creeps a lot"I said, wow....such a lame line!
"Hey dude" she said sounding indifferent, I swear I just want to put her in a sack anytime she calls me dude.
"Why are you here?"I asked, I then realized how dumb I sounded, what is wrong with me?
"Well this is a party and I am a teenager..."
"Or you're following me, being a creep, that's why you hang around the field so much"I said.

"No! Besides..."she said while walking past me. "My boyfriend is here..." She said sounding serious. My chest felt like it had been stabbed with a pitch fork.
I stepped closer to take a closer look at those beautiful eyes, puzzling her, but a familiar voice interrupted us.

"Hey! Bitch! Get away from my boyfriend"Sam yelled and spilled a drink on her dress.

Diana's P. O. V

Michael came closer, after I lied that I had a boyfriend, he really is so shameless. His blue eyes weakened my knees, I almost fell down but maintained my stance. We were close, too close, but before I could back away Sam walked in.

"Hey! Bitch! Get away from my boyfriend!"she yelled, causing people to look in our direction and I hated the attention. But before I could get away she dumped a drink on my silver dress, ruining it.

I stared at the stain, bitting my lips, people started to murmur, my heart skipped a beat. I ran out before anything else happened, I didn't even bother to look back!

"I hate this!" I yelled while I sped past people, it was a huge house and I didn't know where I was headed to. I kept on running, past all the hormonal teenages, my hand on my mouth.

Till I found myself at the pool, I stopped and sat down beside the pool, her feet in the water. I stared at my face for some seconds and yelled out in frustration.

I splashed water on my face repeatedly in agony! But I just couldn't do it!
"Do it! Do it!"I chanted while splashing water on my face! But I knew it was impossible, since I was eight years old. I lost an ability, all because of one life changing event.
Simply put, I forgot how to cry!

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