Chapter 4

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Diana's P. O. V

I spent an hour searching around for my bracelet, but it just seemed to have disappeared into thin air. That bracelet held some sentimental value to me and loosing it just frustrated me.

I packed my things and went into the gym teachers office, she was drinking a coffee, some whipped cream on her upper lip.
"Here"she said tossing me some shorts and a blue shirt.
"You'll wear that and follow me around tomorrow, you'll do everything I say, that will teach you not to talk snack about my legs"she said.
Am guessing she heard what I said earlier....
"Don't I get a whistle?"I asked, "no! You'll have to earn your whistle"she said sounding serious.

"Or I could buy one..."I mumbled not so loudly. She used her hand to hit her table hard. "Listen here, you're going to regret ever saying anything in my class Miss Netwood, you'll wish you'd get transferred"she said and sent me out.
On my way out, I bumped into a boy, my uniform falling down.
He was fast and picked it up for me, "sorry"I said feeling edgy.

"It's no problem really"he said, I smiled awkwardly, I've already embarrassed myself enough today. "Thank you"I said and turned to leave, but my eyes landed on the chocolate bar in his hand.
My stomach rumbled and he half smiled, he took out another bar of chocolate from his bag and tossed it to me, I quickly caught it.
"Um...Tha... Thanks"I said, he smiled then waved at me and walked away. I stood there waving back at him.

Michael's P. O. V

I and the guys walked into the gym to meet hyper active students cheering on a new kid. Not just any new kid...
"Miss Netwood!"the gym teacher echoed, I wonder what she's gotten herself into now.

I passed a glance at her, she stared at me too, we both did for a second, till she swung by a rope and fell on her back.
For some reason I wanted to go help her out, but I decided against it and stood from a corner watching.
A smile played around my lips while I watched her get up and dust herself.

*Ten minutes later*
Sam and I just finished a make out sesh, but it got cut short by my dad's PA calling my phone.
I went over to the locker room to get my sports bag, the gym equipments were stored in the locker room, temporarily.

I slammed my locker, and turned to leave, but something shiny caught my eye. It was stuck inside the net, I loosened it and examined it closely.
Who did it belong to?
Then it hit me!
It must belong to Diana, she was the only one who used this net today, it must belong to her.

That means she must be looking for it, I think I'll hold unto this for a little while longer.

Diana's P. O. V

Physics class, my favorite class of the day, day two and am letting my positivity thrive and grow.
"Nothing can go wrong today"I said in high spirits.
"Diana Netwood.... this is gym teacher Josie, report to the football field now!"the voice over the intercom said.

I wrinkled my brows in peplexion and sighed, Mr Jonas gave me a slip and let me leave. The only other people who got slips were jocks, they had practice and as long as they could keep their grades high they could skip any class.

I marched unto the field to Josie, she was hammering a sloppy joe, and it looked disgusting.
"What are you staring at?"she asked me piercing into my thoughts.

"No..No..Nothing "I said using my hands to make hand gestures. "Why aren't you wearing your assistant uniform?"Josie asked while eating, staining her chin.

"I...I didn't know I was supposed to put it on now, I was in my class when you called"I said in my defence.
"I don't like your manners"She said and stopped chewing. I widened my eyes, hoping for all to go well.
"Take twenty laps"she said, "excuse me?"I asked in a daze. She lowered her head and looked me in the eye.
"Take twenty laps round the field for not wearing your uniform"she repeated sounding hostile.

"But I am wearing my... uniform"I said, mumbled rather, she had a mole under her right eye, and she was staring at me.
"Don't stare at the mole....don't stare"I mumbled to myself.

"What was that?"she asked, I froze, she eyed me then blew her whistle.
"Hop to it!"she yelled and I jumped, she repeatedly blew her whistle, I took to my heels running around the field.

Worst of all I was wearing a skirt! No one looks good running in uniform that's for certain. And to crown it all I heard.
"Come on Dollie, I have fish who run faster than that!"I heard from behind me.

I looked behind to see Michael wearing his smirk, the devil's incarnate. I shook my head and ignored him, Josie kept on blowing her whistle.
"Faster Netwood!"she yelled vigorously at me and I increased my pace.

"I wondered what kind of trouble you got yourself into now"He said while running backwards. He seemed like he was even slowing down just to talk to me. I wanted to stop but I wouldn't, not in front of Mike.

"See you at the finish line, but for now eat my dust"he said infuriating the life out of me. And he did just, he sped off while running backwards. I tried to catch up to him but the dude was just too fast.

He got to the end of the field and even started to floss, just to rub it in. The cheerleaders were cheering him on. While I got hauled at by Josie.
I got to the end two minutes later and slumped down unto the grass, panting and gasping for air.

Water splashed on my face, I used my hands to protect my eyes, I sat up and wiped the water off my face.
"What the..."I stopped talking once I realised I was staring at Josie.
"Go change! And don't forget the uniform! Hop to it!"she yelled, I got so frustrated I could just rip her limb from limp.

I got off the ground, jogging off to the girls locker room, while running off I heard a whistle from one of the footballers on the field.
I stopped realising how breezy it got down there, I wanted to bury my head in shame till I heard a punch. My ears stood up, I turned to see a guy on the grass holding his nose.

What just happened? Who punched him? Was it because of me? Nah, it couldn't be right? What reason would anyone have to punch that guy?

The next thing I new was that Michael was staring daggers at the guy, and holding his fist. My heart skipped a beat, but what weakened me was when those blue eyes stared at me. I blushed, and then speed walked to the girls locker room.

"Holy....did he just land a punch because"

The rest of the day was hellish, I was the errands girl on the volleyball court. Josie left me at the mercy of Samantha and of course she took liberty to make me her own lap dog.

Fetching her water bottle, fanning her face, holding her phone up for her....
I wished I could split myself into two. Stephen texted me later on, we agreed to meet during lunch to practice for the play!.
Day two!

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