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Note: me, being useless at coming up with original names, recycled a name that I wrote in my Pietro Maximoff fic. I just didn't know what else to use. Pretend I'm not as uncreative as I seem. 

~A week later~

Wanda rocked back and forth on her feet, waiting for Natasha's answer. "My mom said it would be fine! And Steve and Bucky are coming! So you'll have friends right?"

Natasha bit her lip. To be perfectly honest the thought of going to a party hosted by one of the most famous boys in the school, Tony Stark, was a daunting event. But Wanda seemed so desperate for female accompaniment and they had grown rather close over the past week, and Natasha didn't want to let the girl down.

"Fine. I guess I'll go.."

Wanda squealed and hugged the redhead, leaving Natasha to awkwardly pat her back in return. Wanda let her go and opened her phone, quickly sending out a text. "I told the boys! They'll be so excited!"

"I'm sure..."

"If you're good with it, do you want to get ready with me after school Friday? Piet and I can drive you home, but we'll need to wait a little so he can finish his track meet."

Natasha nodded. "If it's good with my aunt it's good with me..."

"Amazing! I'm so excited!"

Natasha smiled. "You know what? Me too!"

--Three days later, Friday afternoon--

"So we'll see you there then?" Steve asked Natasha, leaning against her locker as she shoved her books in her bag. 

"Yeah. Yeah I guess."

Steve's brow furrowed. "You aren't excited?"

"Uh...I don't know...I'm just a little nervous. That's all."

"Fair enough," The blonde shrugged, straightening up. "I've always got your back though ok Nat?"

Natasha smiled, hugging Steve quickly before she heard her name being yelled from another side of the hall. "Wandas calling. I should go. see you tonight idiot!"

Natasha raced down the hall, leaving Steve to watch her, his head tilted slightly, grin on his lips. He loved that chaotic Russian red head.

Wanda grabbed Natasha's hand leading her to the school track field, as the two girls sat down on the bleachers. Natasha's eyes widened as she watched Pietro outrun the rest of the team, going at impossible speeds.

"Holy shit," She breathed.

"Yeah. He's fast. Always has been. Pain in the ass for my mom to chase him around the house and kick him on the school bus when he was younger. But now he's putting it to good use."

Natasha continued to watch, as a girl ran up behind Pietro, attempting to match his speed, and doing so more successfully than Natasha could've imagined. She was still slower but not by much. Enjoying a sport where you literally just ran seemed strange to Natasha, but it was still fun to watch.

"Hey, Nat?"


"You were so distracted you didn't hear a word I said did you?"

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