Heartbreak Chapter 5~

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(I'm gonna skip Thursday is that alright I'm lazy _(:3 」∠)_)


It's finally Friday and I'm getting ready for school, tired. I got my backpack, ate breakfast then went through the door and started walking. I felt like the past two days were different, more gloomy then usual. I got to the school doors and went in. Put my stuff away in the locker, pushed my path through the crowded hallway and went outside to draw away my boredom. It's boring without Keith, he's the one that hangs out with me, I thought he would be here today. I haven't seen him since Wednesday. At first I assumed he got sick or maybe something just came up at his house, but I was starting to get worried. After the first bell rings I went to my first class and I sat down, waiting for the teacher to arrive. When he finally did he sat at his desk and told us to finish up some old work.

                 (-+Time Skip+-)


The last class of having to be in school ended and I hadn't seen pico nor girlfriend all day, how did I not notice none of them were here at school... Or maybe their ignoring me. Ill go to girlfriends house right now and see what's up with the three of them. I started walking towards her house, more worried then before now that I know, no one was here. Yea, if only one of them was gone ok but the whole group that's kinda suspicions... anyways. When I got to her door I heard pretty loud noises but I brushed it off and knocked... no answer I knock again. A couple seconds went bye until I heard fast, loud footsteps then the door opened. Girlfriend stepped out the door looking a bit messy but she put on a smile."Hey there...Y/n...um...What are you doing here?" She asked confusion and stuttering in her voice. "Well you, pico and Keith weren't in today and I got concerned about it..... So what happend?" I answered. She look worried and kinda sad but I didn't question it. "I-I don't know about Keith but pico was sick and so I decided to t-take care of him until he's better" She stuttered a bit. "Oh so is he here with you because I heard noises" I said "Umm no he's not here, he's at his house I went over and took care of him, the noise was me cleaning my room"."Oh ok im gonna go check up on Keith maybe I'll visit pico later" "WAIT i-I mean don't worry about that, he's fine I don't want you catching anything, just go to keith" She yelled I was confused why she was acting this strange but I waved goodbye and went on my way to Keith's place. Once I got there I knock but only for the door to open adomaticly, I walked inside, it was pitch black in the house. I was starting to walk around to see if I find someone then I heard crying in on of the rooms. I checked the house to see where it was coming from and I found out that he was in his room, on the floor, crouched down crying. It was dark also in his room "K-keith?" He looked up from his knees with tears drenched all over his face after he looked at me he put his head back down."Go away" Was all he said I looked around the room, I found a lamp and turned it on so it would brighten the room up. I then sat down next to him. I put my arm around him and just sat there with him to give him some comfort. Surprisingly He didn't resist. He forced his head back up to look at me and spoke "Girlfriend cheated on me...". I was shocked by what he just said "That's why she was startin to ask so weird all the time" I said he nodded "If it's not to much to ask, how did you find out?". "....Well you see after we said goodbye and you walked away, I went to get my hat, as you already know, when I opened the door..... I saw them" "Them who's them?" "Pico and Cherry". I was shocked once again, that does explain why she's always blushing but not at Keith or the other things that happen. I didn't say anything so he can finish "...When I walked back inside the house, I saw pico and girlfriend makeing out on the couch"

When I walked back inside the house, I saw pico and girlfriend makeing out on the couch"

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A/n (suck at drawing digitaly)

I was shocked at what I saw, when pico opened his eyes he backed away, girlfriend turned around and gasped. I grabbed my hat that was on the floor near by and ran back to my house, with other pico and Cherry call in out to me but I never looked back once. So I've been here, I was to sad to go to school so, I stayed home." He finished "Does your family know?" I asked "kinda I just told them I'm having a little problem with her, I didn't really want them to know" "So why tell me". He went quiet for a moment before answering my question "Because I trust you, your a good person, I mean your here right?". I blushed a bit by his saying "Hey keith?" "Yea?" "Let's go to the park, we,ll get you some sun light and some fresh air...."

                    ∆¢Time Skip¢∆


It was me and keith were sitting down on a bench chilling and enjoying the scenery at the park. Until something happens.... Again

A/n(the last dad part didn't happened)

I was tired and so was Keith since it was so late and he had to sing five songs, I got down from the speaker, hex went where ever he lives at. I looked at Keith he was about to fall over so I cleaned up his equipment then I picked him up and went to his house. I put him to bed but as I was gonna walk away to go home myself, he grabbed my shirt. "P-please don't g-o, I don't want to be alone..." He said tiredly, I looked back at him and smiled. I laid down next in the bed besides him and pulled the covers over us, he turned to face me and unexpectedly he cuddled me. "Your warm" he whispered, I started turning red but cuddled back, a couple minutes went by until I heard little snores. After awhile of staying up and ubserving boyfriend, I fell asleep as well in his arms.

A/n(Sorry I took so long to upload)

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